Majority of Express readers think Brexit has failed, damning poll shows asked readers their thoughts on whether they consider Brexit to be a success or failure and their expectations at the time of the referendum, and the results are damning.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nigel Farage on Newsnight: 'Brexit has failed'

A has shown that three in five readers think that  has been a failure.

This follows former UKIP leader ’s verdict that Britain’s withdrawal from the has “failed”, with the economy yet to benefit. He told that the Conservative Party’s “mismanagement” was to blame.

A recent YouGov survey has shown that there are record levels of Brexit regret among Britons, with figures showing the number of people thinking the UK was right to leave the bloc dropping to its lowest-ever level at just 31 percent.

In response, from 9.20am on Wednesday, May 24, to 12.30pm on Thursday, May 25, asking readers their opinion on Brexit. First asked: “Do you think Brexit has been a failure or a success?”

A total of 5,130 people responded to this question with the majority of readers, 62 percent (3,155 people) thinking it has been a “failure”. In comparison, 29 percent (1506 people) said they thought Brexit was a “success”. A further nine percent (456 people) answered “neither” and 13 people said they did not know.

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Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage said that the country had 'not actually benefited from Brexit economically' (Image: Getty)

as readers shared the reasoning behind their answers.

Username Ansi Lumens said: “I don't believe people who say they think it hasn't failed, they are just putting on a brave face. How could anyone think that the current situation is satisfactory?”

And username ValerieJackson1 wrote: “Of course Brexit is a failure. It only takes someone with a fraction of a brain to observe the damage it has caused to our economy and the havoc it has played with our businesses - the lifeblood of our nation.”

Brexit protest

Some 62 percent of readers think Brexit has been a failure (Image: Getty)

However, other readers commented that Brexit had the potential to be a success but agreed with Mr Farage that the Government’s handling was impeding this. Username parrot remarked: “Brexit isn't a failure it is being stopped from being a success by the remoaners in Westminster.”

Another, username DaemonStorm, said: “Brexit has been a success, the Government have been a terrible failure.”

While username In the bag added: “It's the delivery that's failing, not the concept.”

Brexit timeline

The UK voted to leave the EU in 2016 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Then, their thoughts on Brexit at the time of the 2016 referendum: “Did you think Brexit was going to be a success?”

Of the 5,069 responses, readers were divided with 48 percent (2,452 people) answering “yes, I thought it would be successful” while 47 percent (2,397 people) said “no, I thought it would fail.” While 220 people said they did not know.

Username onthebrink commented: “I always said it would end in tears. As did everyone else who actually thought about the consequences. Told you so.”

Speaking after the YouGov results, former Europe minister in the Scottish Government Alasdair Allan said: “It is unsurprising that people feel that Brexit has been a failure - quite frankly, every bit of evidence shows it and it is outrageous that both Labour and the Tories are happy to ignore the damage Brexit is causing.”

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