Brexit on brink of sparking mutiny as 94 percent say ministers have 'lost control' readers have voted overwhelmingly in agreement with Lord Frost that ministers have "lost control of the bureaucracy" around Brexit.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nigel Farage on Newsnight: 'Brexit has failed'

Former minister has warned that the Government “seems to have lost control” of Brexit, a view shared by 94 percent of readers, a  has shown.

Lord Frost at the National Conservatism conference in Westminster last week that it is the Government’s decisions which have resulted in the UK being caught up in EU red tape — not Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch’s decision to by the end of the year.

He explained: “I think the problem is that the Government seems to have lost control of the bureaucracy in these areas. I don’t really blame Kemi on that.

“She had only been in three months, and I think three ministers over the last year in that department, they had just lost their grip.

“Obviously, the job was not going to get done so something had to be decided as an alternative. It’s a great pity we are in that situation but I am not surprised. It’s the losing the grip which is the problem, not the decisions which have been taken.”

Lord Frost at Conservative Party Conference 2021

A staggering 94 percent of readers agree with Lord Frost (Image: Getty)

In response, from 12.30pm on Friday, May 19, to 10.30am on Monday, May 22, asking readers: “Do you think ministers have ‘lost control’ of Brexit?”

Overall, 4,363 readers responded with the overwhelming majority, 94% (4,108 people) answering, “yes”, compared to 5% (222 people) who said, “no”. A further 1% (33 people) said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Brexit timeline

Britain's transition period out of the EU ended on January 1, 2021 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Eurocrat claims Brexit has given EU member states opportunity to 'renew their vows'

Brexit has given EU member states the opportunity to "renew" their "vows", a Eurocrat has claimed. EU Commissioner Mairead McGuiness insisted Brussels has "strengthened internally" since the UK voted to leave as she highlighted other challenges such as the Covid pandemic and Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Read more HERE.

Many readers agreed that the Government has “lost control” of Brexit, with username ValBrooker writing: “Absolutely they have. They don't have a single backbone amongst the lot of them.”

Another, username St Cuthbert, said: “They haven’t lost control, they never had control in the first place which is why it’s such a sorry mess.”

Similarly, username Harmful remarked: “I don't think that they have lost control, I do think that they had no intention of implementing Brexit in the first place and that they are stringing it out as long as possible hoping that the British public will just give up.”

However, other readers argued that Brexit has been achieved, with username Lelly commenting: “Of course not. Brexit is done.”

Likewise, username Noch'n Rollmops said: “Brexit means BRitain's EXIT, that has happened. Mission accomplished.”

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