Brexit POLL: Will the UK have 'no choice' but to rejoin EU single market?

Michael O'Leary has claimed that the UK will be forced to sign a deal similar to Switzerland or Norway and be paying into the EU budget within 15 years.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Starmer rules out return to EU or single market under Labour

The UK left the ’s single market at the end of the transition process in 2020. Now, however, boss Michael O’Leary has claimed that the but to rejoin in the next 10 to 15 years. Do you agree? Vote in our poll.

Michael O'Leary

POLL: Will the UK have 'no choice' but to rejoin EU single market? (Image: Horacio Villalobos/Getty)

Mr O’Leary said there is “no question” that is holding back Britain, claiming that in the next three to five years the UK’s departure would be a “net negative” on the British economy.

He has regularly been outspoken about the impact of and declared the situation as “unbelievably messy”. He claimed that in contrast to the UK, in Europe “business is booming and getting boomier”.

During a panel discussion at Bloomberg’s New Economy Gateway event, he said: “I think they will pay into a European budget, I think they will have no choice.

“The fundamental strength of the single market is something that is too attractive for the UK economy to be excluded from.”

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The airline boss argued that Britain’s demographics will be in favour of European integration in the future as “in the next five to 10 years, quite a number of the will die”.

He claimed that the younger population “are much more pro-European in their outlook” giving the opportunity for a closer relationship with the .

He added: “Everything that was promised to the UK population, the sunny uplands and the ability to do trade deals everywhere around the world were shown to be a tissue of lies.”

So what do YOU think? Will the UK have "no choice" but to rejoin single market? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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