BBC should ‘absolutely’ sack Fiona Bruce for ‘bias’ – YOU VOTED

The BBC Question Time host's impartiality has once again been called into question.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Gary Lineker: Government discuss BBC 'impartiality' for presenters

Fiona Bruce’s impartiality has been questioned after viewers of accused her of being “biased”. A has shown over 70 percent of readers think the host should be sacked by the .

Employees of the are required to follow impartiality rules. The BBC’s remit says it is “committed to achieving due impartiality in all its output” and “this commitment is fundamental to our reputation, our values and the trust of audiences”.

Following Match of the Day presenter ’s comments on social media concerning the Government's new Illegal Migration Bill, Question Time viewers called out Ms Bruce’s “bias”.

One user @KSAfricaHack wrote: “@bbcquestiontime someone should remind the unbelievably biased Fiona Bruce that she is on Question Time to chair it not whip up support for the odious Tories.”

While @isaacdavid1958 tweeted: “It’s horrible news. Hearing that the BBC had reminded Gary Lineker of his responsibilities after his remarks when Fiona Bruce appears to be getting away with blatant bias in her presentation of Question Time, makes me glad I gave up on current affairs programmes.”

READ MORE: Fiona Bruce faces calls to be sacked after Gary Lineker migrant tweets

Fiona Bruce

Over 70 percent of readers think Fiona Bruce should be sacked by the BBC (Image: David M. Benett/Getty)

In a poll that ran from 10.30am on Thursday, March 9, to 11.30am on Friday, March 10, : “Should BBC sack Fiona Bruce over ‘bias’?”

Overall, 4,911 votes were cast, with the vast majority, 71 percent (3,500 people) answering “yes” she should be sacked.

Meanwhile, 27 percent (1,343 people) said “no” she should keep her position, and a further 68 people said they did not know either way.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Many readers argued that Ms Bruce should be sacked by the BBC, like username lesi, who said: “Absolutely, yes.”

Another, username LionelBee wrote: “After just watching her 'performance' on QT with outrageous and obvious anti-Tory outburst interrupting the Immigration Minister she should be sacked.”

Username PigeonsLivesMatter said: “She should have been sacked a long time ago.”

And username SlanQuince wrote: “All people who work for the BBC should have no views.”

Gary Lineker

Gary Lineker has said he stands by his tweets on the Government's immigration policy (Image: Chris Brunskill/Fantasista/Getty)

Fiona Bruce

Fiona Bruce (Image: Mike Marsland/Getty)

BBC could be reformed because of the failure to deal with Gary Lineker

Former Culture Secretary Sir John Whittingdale, who negotiated the current Charter with the BBC, has warned that the Lineker controversy could lead to changes.

Others argued the complete opposite, that Ms Bruce shouldn't be sacked, with some commending what they said was her impartial take on politics.

Username toryneerdowell said: “Bruce does quite well at the job but she does sometimes let her Tory bias/preference show through. I don't think she should be sacked, though it would be good if she held the Government to account a bit more.”

Similarly, username Deputy8_99 wrote: “I don't think she is biased in the slightest. She treats parties the same whatever their colour.”

Username Freddy.boy remarked: “Don't be silly. She's not perfect but nowhere near Lineker.”

While username Username pugli added: “No! She should be sacked for being hopeless!”

Fiona Bruce reading the Ten O'Clock News in 2004

Fiona Bruce joined the BBC in 1989 (Image: BBC)

BBC Broadcasting House

Employees of the BBC are required to follow impartiality rules (Image: Getty)

Some readers questioned the bias of the BBC as an institution in their comments, including username Polly Ticks, who wrote: “In my view, many BBC presenters should be sacked. The BBC hasn’t been impartial for decades.”

Likewise, username MJav said: “Bruce and Lineker are not the only ones who should be sacked! The BBC should weed out all the biased staff and sack the lot!”

Username Big Bazooka suggested: “The whole BBC needs a massive review.”

And username The Chosen One said: “If everyone at the BBC was sacked for Bias there would be no one working at the BBC.”

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