Nicola Sturgeon urged to resign with ‘immediate effect’ over IndyRef2 defeat

The Supreme Court ruled this week that Scotland cannot hold a second independence referendum without permission from the British Government.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon should resign after the Supreme Court ruled against the Scottish Government organising its own independence referendum, a new poll of readers has found. The ruling, on Wednesday, November 25, determined that Ms Sturgeon’s draft Referendum Bill went beyond Holyrood’s devolved powers and required approval from Westminster.

Lord Reed of Allermuir, the Court's Scottish President, said the judges came to a “unanimous” decision, that the proposed Bill would relate to “reserved matters” to be dealt with outside of Holyrood.

In response to the ruling at a press conference in Edinburgh Ms Sturgeon said: “Today’s ruling blocks one route to Scotland’s voice being heard on independence – but in a democracy our voice cannot and will not be silenced.”

She said her preferred route to independence was still through a referendum, yet admitted there was little prospect of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak changing his opposition.

She added that the outcome showed the UK was not a voluntary union, accusing the UK Government of “outright democracy-denial”.

The Scottish National Party has declared that the next UK general election will be a “de facto referendum” on independence, with the Party launching a “major campaign in defence of Scottish democracy”.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon's IndyRef2 argument 'legally irrelevant'

Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon has been urged to resign by readers (Image: Getty)

In response to the ruling, ran a poll from 11am on Wednesday, November 23, to 7.30am on Friday, November 25, asking readers: “Should Nicola Sturgeon resign as IndyRef2 dream defeated?”

Overall, 6,987 people cast their vote with the overwhelming majority, 94 percent (6,564 people), answering “yes” in support of Ms Sturegon resigning.

Whereas six percent (394 people) said “no” she should not, and a further 29 people said they did not know. Either way.

In the comments left below the accompanying article hundreds of readers shared their thoughts on Ms Sturgon’s political future.

Nicola Sturgeon speaks after Supreme Court ruling

Nicola Sturgeon accused the UK Government of 'outright democracy-denial' (Image: Getty)

Many readers argued in favour of Ms Sturgeon handing in her resignation, with username oak Commenting: “YES, the sooner the better.”

Similarly, username triumphus said: “Yes, with immediate effect.”

Username NWO3 said: “Yes. She is continually and constantly damaging Scotland and the UK.”

Another, username "." wrote: “Yes her position is untenable!”

And username LuvUK said: “I would think that was a given to resign.”

Other readers commented on the cost of the independence drive and Ms Sturgeon’s impact on Scotland like username Notimpressed, who said: “Yes, she should resign and stop wasting taxpayer's money on her obsession with independence.”

Username Justmypointofviewok wrote: “She should stop spending Scottish people's money on this indy2 pipe dream.”

And username JimGriff said: “You only need to look at Scotland today to see what a mess it has become under the leadership of Sturgeon.”

Username Hamgar added: “It's about time this subject was put to rest and the Scottish Parliament focused on investing in services that the people of Scotland deserve.”


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Nicola Sturgeon fact file

Nicola Sturgeon became First Minister of Scotland in 2014 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Sturgeon's IndyRef2 plan in tatters as EU to ban Scotland from bloc unless it joins Euro

Nicola Sturgeon's plan for an independent Scotland to join the European Union is in tatters as figures in Brussels claim Edinburgh would need to buckle on the Euro before membership can be considered, a report has claimed.

Read more HERE.

However, some readers thought that Ms Sturgeon should remain in her position and sort out the problems facing Scotland as a result.

Username Me too said: “In some respect, I think she should stay and remedy the issues her campaign has cost.”

And username olly smyth said: “I voted no because I want to see how she gets out of the mess she had created.”

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said: “It was right for the Scottish Government to seek legal clarity on this question. The Supreme Court's answer was clear and I thank them for their speedy work in this case. We must now focus on the problems facing our country, from rising bills to the crisis in our NHS.”

2014 Scottish independence referendum result

Scotland voted to stay in the UK in 2014 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Ms Sturgeon had hoped to receive approval and hold a second independence referendum on October 19, 2023.

Mr Sunak described the Supreme Court ruling as “clear and definitive”, urging the Scottish Government to work “together” with the UK to address challenges “challenges that we collectively face”. 

In 2014, Scots rejected independence by 55 percent to 45 percent but many campaigners argue that Brexit – which was opposed by the majority of Scottish voters – justifies a second ballot.

Westminster has, however, so far refused to grant formal consent for a second independence vote.

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