Poll result: What YOU think of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister

A new poll of Express.co.uk readers has found the majority do not support Rishi Sunak in his new role as Prime Minister.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Rishi Sunak: 'Pretty good chance things will get better' says Neil

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak won the Tory leadership contest on Monday after his rival Penny Mordaunt withdrew and failed to secure enough nominations. He was formally appointed by King Charles III on Tuesday morning, but a new poll of Express.co.uk readers shows a lack of support for him.

In his first speech as Prime Minister, he warned that "our country is facing a profound economic crisis" and accused his predecessor Liz Truss of having made "some mistakes" during her 49 days in office.

He said on Tuesday: "I want to pay tribute to my predecessor Liz Truss, she was not wrong to want to improve growth in this country. It is a noble aim. I admired her restlessness to create change but some mistakes were made, not borne of ill will or bad intentions – quite the opposite in fact - but mistakes nonetheless.

"And I have been elected as leader of my party, and your Prime Minister, in part, to fix them. And that work begins immediately. I will place economic stability and confidence at the heart of this government’s agenda. This will mean difficult decisions to come."

Mr Sunak is the first British-Asian Prime Minister and the youngest in more than 200 years. He also pledged that his "utmost priority" was to bring his Party and the country together.

READ MORE: Sunak says work 'begins immediately to fix Truss's 'mistakes'

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak is Britain's third Prime Minister this year (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 2:30pm on Monday, October 23 to 3pm on Tuesday, October 25, Express.co.uk asked readers: "Do you support Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister?"

A total of 11,320 votes were cast with the vast majority of readers, 76 percent (8,568 people) answering "no", they do not support Mr Sunak as Prime Minister.

A further 21 percent (2,404 people) said "yes" they do, while three percent (348 people) said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the new Prime Minister.

Many argued against supporting Mr Sunak, with username amfuctifino writing: "Never in a month of Sundays would I vote for Sunak."

Username Dunky said: "If Sunak is the best that the Tories have to offer, then we are well and truly stuffed."

Another, username Jazzz d said: "I think this is the wrong outcome. Rishi Sunak may be competent as a finance and markets executive but he is not remotely able to empathize with ‘ordinary’ people across the country."

While username Username yEUck wrote: "The Tories are toast – they won't be getting my vote."

And username Chippieiow said: "I can't support him because I feel he is unelected and out of touch."


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Rishi Sunak and King Charles III

Rishi Sunak was formally appointed as Prime Minister by King Charles III on Tuesday morning (Image: Getty)

Rishi Sunak at 10 Downing Street

Rishi Sunak warned that 'our country is facing a profound economic crisis' (Image: Getty)

However, some backed Mr Sunak, with username wilfred01 commenting that Mr Sunak is "the man for the job".

He explained: "Truss and it would have been Morduant showed they have not got the experience to be PM: Its a tough job. Rishi`s knowledge of the financial markets, banking and the nation's economy is essential. There is no one in the Labour Party and not many in the Tory Party with the depth of knowledge and experience Sunak brings to the table."

Likewise, username sanityreturns said: "Fantastic outcome. At last a serious economist with a brain in No 10."

Other readers argued that Mr Sunak’s appointment was undemocratic and called for a general election.

Conservative Party leaders since 1965

Rishi Sunak is the youngest Prime Minister in more than 200 years (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Who is Rishi richer than? New PM's wealth compared to King Charles and other top earners

In July this year, Rishi Sunak and his wife of 13 years Akshata Murty – daughter of Indian billionaire Narayana Murthy – placed 222nd on The Sunday Times’ Rich List. Their wealth places them far richer than a surprising number of celebrities and famous public figures – including the Monarch, King Charles III.

How rich is the UK's new Prime Minister? Find out HERE.

Username celle commented: "Not democratic. People must have a say. Call an election!"

Likewise, username EURJoking said: "Millions voted for the Conservative leader in December 2019. Thousands voted for his successor in the summer. Fewer than 300 voted for Sunak. Where is the democracy in that?"

And username leafspot said: "No. I neither support him nor recognise him as PM. If he wins a general election then yes, absolutely, but we must have a general election."

Labour, Liberal Democrats and Scottish National Party MPs have called for a general election to be held following Mr Sunak’s victory.

Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Ed Davey tweeted: "The Conservatives have trashed our economy, pushed health services to the brink, and added hundreds of pounds to people’s mortgage payments. Now Conservative MPs have installed another out-of-touch Prime Minister without giving you a say. We need a general election now."

Scotland’s first minister and Scottish National party leader, Nicola Sturgeon, congratulated Mr Sunak, but added: "I’d suggest one immediate decision he should take and one he certainly should not.

"He should call an early general election. And he should not – must not – unleash another round of austerity. Our public services will not withstand that."

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner accused Mr Sunak of not having a mandate behind him: "What we've seen played out is a coronation here and not an actual election where people have a mandate to serve the British people of this country.

"Nobody voted for this. The public deserve their say on Britain's future through a general election. It's time for a fresh start with Labour."

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