Truss criticised for 'dishonourable, unfair, spiteful' Kwarteng sacking – YOU VOTED

Kwasi Kwarteng was dismissed as Chancellor last week and replaced by Jeremy Hunt, but a poll of readers shows little support for the Prime Minister's decision.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Kwasi Kwarteng sacked as Chancellor by Liz Truss

Prime Minister Liz Truss was wrong to sack Kwasi Kwarteng as Chancellor, a new poll of readers has found. Ms Truss sacked her ally on Friday, after just 38 days in his role, as a result of the financial and political turmoil caused by the mini-budget. The Prime Minister replaced Mr Kwarteng with Jeremy Hunt ahead of a U-turn on corporation tax.

During his time in office, Mr Kwarteng spent his time batting off criticism following the announcement of his Growth Plan 2022 in the Commons on September 23.

Plans included a £45billion tax-cutting package, which forced the pound to crash to its lowest level against the dollar in 37 years and sent the cost of Government borrowing and mortgage rates up. The Bank of England was forced to intervene with unprecedented action to save the economy.

Ms Truss’ economic agenda of a “low tax, high growth economy” helped her win the Tory leadership contest at the start of September but has now resulted in turbulence among the party.

In reply to Mr Kwarteng’s letter accepting he had been sacked, Ms Truss said she was “deeply sorry to lose him” from Government. Despite sacking him, she added: “I deeply respect the decision you have taken today.”

She said that they “share the same vision” for the UK and praised the energy price guarantee and the energy bill relief scheme: “Thanks to your intervention, families will be able to heat their homes this winter and thousands of jobs and livelihoods will be saved.”

READ MORE: Jeremy Hunt to make emergency statement today in desperate bid

Kwasi Kwarteng and Liz Truss

Poll result: Was Liz Truss right to sack Kwasi Kwarteng? (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 6pm on Friday, October 14, to 8am on Monday, October 17, asked readers: “Is Liz Truss right to sack Kwasi Kwarteng as Chancellor?”

From the 1,156 votes cast, the majority of readers, 66 percent (757 people), said “no” Ms Truss was not right to sack Mr Kwarteng as Chancellor.

Meanwhile, a further 32 percent (374 people) said “yes” it was the right move, and a further two percent (25 people) said they did not know.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on Mr Kwarteng’s sacking.

Many agreed that Ms Truss was wrong to sack Mr Kwarteng, with one reader, username Leeds12345 writing: “They should have stuck to their decisions.”

Username LadyJayne said: “She threw him under the bus.”

Another, username ".", said: “No, a spiteful move. He implemented her fiscal policy.”

And username JohnCh wrote: “It is totally unfair for the Prime Minister to sack her Chancellor who was only doing her bidding.”


UK economy currently similar to Italy or Greece [ANALYSIS]
Truss’s enemies slammed over plans that will see ‘return to austerity’ [INSIGHT]
Kwasi was AGAINST plans for 45p tax axe but was overruled by Truss [LATEST]

Kwasi Kwarteng mini budget

Kwasi Kwarteng delivered his mini-budget on September 23 (Image: Getty)

Jeremy Hunt: New Chancellor

Jeremy Hunt has been appointed as the new Chancellor (Image: Getty)

Kwasi Kwarteng swipes at Liz Truss over sacking and says PM will be gone in 'WEEKS'

Kwasi Kwarteng has hit out at Liz Truss, saying she'll last a matter of "weeks" as Prime Minister after she sacked him. It came as the PM performed a sensational U-turn on then-Chancellor Kwarteng's much maligned mini-budget.

Read more HERE.

Meanwhile, username tlm said: “She wasn't wrong to sack him, she was wrong to commission him in the first place.”

One Tory MP told Sky News: “The idea that the Prime Minister can just scapegoat her Chancellor and move on is deluded. This is her vision. She signed off on every detail and she defended it.”

Other readers called for Ms Truss to resign, with username fredregar commenting: “They made this mess together they should have left together.”

Username ChwaraeTeg said: “She only did half the job: she should have resigned herself.

Kwasi Kwarteng and Liz Truss

Some readers called for Liz Truss to resign (Image: Getty)

And username Slarti B said: “Totally dishonourable to sack Kwarteng but not to resign herself.”

Labour also called for Ms Truss to stand down and Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said: “We don’t just need a change in Chancellor, we need a change in Government.”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey accused Ms Truss of mismanaging the economy and urged for a general election to be called.

He said: “It started with Boris Johnson failing our country, and now Liz Truss has broken our economy, it is time for the people to have their say in a general election.”

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