France ‘should pay UK compensation’ for Dover travel chaos

FRANCE has been blamed for the travel chaos at Dover and Folkestone last week by readers, but Britain should not pay to sort out the issues, a series of recent polls have found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Dover: John Redwood blames France for 'unacceptable' queues

Holiday-makers and lorry drivers faced hours-long waits on the approach to the Ports of Dover and Folkestone last weekend With local authorities declaring a major incident due to the volume of traffic. The disruption started on Friday, July 22, and a spokesperson for the Port of Dover said: “We are deeply frustrated that the resource at the French border overnight and early this morning has been woefully inadequate to meet our predicted demand and even more deeply regret the consequences that will now be felt by so many.”

French officials said that some workers were late to work due to technical problems on the Channel Tunnel, yet the running was a joint responsibility between the British and French authorities.

READ MORE: GB news: ‘Mess up!’ Macron ‘failed’ in manning Dover border

Foreign Secretary and Tory leadership hopeful Liz Truss blamed the disruption on the French authorities at a campaign event in Sevenoaks on Saturday, July 23. 

She said: “This is a situation that has been caused by a lack of resources at the border.  

“And that is what the French authorities need to address and that is what I am being very clear with them about.”

Dover queues and Emmanuel Macron

France ‘should pay UK compensation’ for Dover travel chaos (Image: Getty)

Leadership rival and former Chancellor Rishi Sunak said France needed “to stop blaming Brexit and start getting the staff required to match demand”. 

In a poll that ran from 10am on Sunday, July 24 to 5pm on Thursday, July 28, asked readers: “Should Britain pay France to sort out Dover travel chaos?” 

Overall, 5,619 people cast their votes with the overwhelming majority, 95 percent (5,311 people) responding “no”, Britain should not pay France to sort out the travel chaos. 

Five percent (286 people) said “yes” Britain should pay France, while just 22 people said they did not know.

Dover queues

Drivers faced hours-long waits on the approach to Dover and Folkestone (Image: Getty)

In a separate poll that ran from 4pm on Monday, July 25, to 5pm on Thursday, July 28, asked readers: “Is France to blame for travel chaos at Dover and Folkestone?” 

In total, 1,833 people responded with the vast majority, 92 percent (1,689 people), answering “yes”, France is to blame for the disruption at Dover and Folkestone. 

A further seven percent (137 people) said “no” France is not to blame, while just seven people said they did not know. 

Across both articles, thousands of readers shared their thoughts in the comments in a lively discussion. 

Many readers commented that France was to blame for the disruption with username Warwick Shire writing: “Utterly and totally yes!”

Another, username Simo69 said: “Without a shadow of a doubt, yes.” 

And username Grange001 said: “Of course it's France – without doubt. Britons have always had to show their passports to enter continental Europe whether before, during or after the EU – but it's never been as bad as this!” 

Others argued that paying for the French to sort out the problems was not the right thing to do, with username trailblaser writing: “No way they have had enough of our money.” 

Username IanW said: “No way should we pay anything more to the EU or France, not one penny.  

“Actually we should be asking them for compensation for the disruption to our trade route period.”


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Queues at French border control

French officials said that some workers were late to work due to technical problems (Image: Getty)

Likewise, username EURJoking said: “France should pay the UK compensation.” 

However, some said Brexit was at fault for the delays due to the additional time spent completing border checks. 

Username harrymc said: “If Brexit hadn't happened, would the French be doing this?

“They're just demonstrating that we haven't really taken back control, given that we're relying on French border agents.” 

And username jamtartsarekeich said: “Only one thing responsible for the chaos at Dover – Brexit.”

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