POLL: Should Boris call Sturgeon's bluff and call 2023 election to block independence bid?

A BBC QUESTION TIME panellist said Boris Johnson could call Nicola Sturgeon's "bluff" and push ahead with a second Scottish independence referendum. But do you agree? Vote in our poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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BBC Question Time’s Fiona Bruce was in Inverness, Scotland, on Thursday, June 30, as the panel debated Scottish independence. Ms Bruce was joined by SNP's Angus Robertson, Scottish Tory Party chairman Craig Hoy, Labour's Shadow Social Security Secretary Pam Duncan-Glancy, Spectator editor Fraser Nelson and comedian Susie McCabe.


Earlier this week Scotland’s First Minister and SNP leader Ms Sturgeon announced plans for a second independence referendum on October 19 2023.

READ MORE: 'Not the time!' Unionists slam Sturgeon over 'disgraceful' plan to hold IndyRef2 in 2023

The Supreme Court will decide whether the vote is legal or not after Westminster refused to grant Holyrood the necessary legal powers under section 30 of the Scotland Act.

Daily Telegraph columnist Mr Nelson suggested that Mr Johnson could accept Ms Sturgeon’s request for a second referendum.

Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon

Should Boris call Sturgeon's bluff and call 2023 election to block independence bid? (Image: Getty and Ken Jack/Getty)

He said: “Really, I think Boris Johnson might be tempted to call their bluff because if there was one and they fight it, the current opinion polls suggest it would be a real struggle.

“Especially, when you start to ask who pays the pensions, in what currency, how would you cope with a hard border with England which there would have to be after Brexit.

“Difficult questions, and I don't think the SNP in its heart of hearts really wants to answer them.”

The Brexit-supporting journalist added: “The biggest reason why I think there won't be one [an independence referendum] is because Scots don't want one.


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“We've had another two [polls] this morning showing a majority of people don't want there to be a referendum in the timetable that Nicola Sturgeon is talking about.

“Partly because you've got the SNP voters who aren't sure it's a good idea but also you've got a country that is exhausted.”

He claimed that Mr Johnson could call bluff and exclaimed, “I’m not worried about a 2023 referendum”.

So what do YOU think? Should Boris call Sturgeon's bluff and call a 2023 election to block the independence bid? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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