'Would respect UK's decision’ Marine Le Pen win would be better for Brexit Britain – POLL

MARINE LE PEN winning the French election would be better for Brexit Britain, according to a new poll of Express.co.uk readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Marine Le Pen 'wants to leave the EU' says Renterghem

In a poll that ran from 10am to 5pm on Monday, April 11, Express.co.uk asked: “Do you think Macron or Le Pen would be better for Brexit Britain?” In total 1,329 people voted with the vast majority – 87 percent (1,153 people) saying a win for Marine Le Pen would be better for Brexit Britain.

Just seven percent (93 people) thought a win for Emmanuel Macron would be better and a further six percent (83 people) said they were not sure either way. 

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers sharing their views on Mr Macron and Ms Le Pen.

France headed to the polls on Sunday, April 10, to vote in the first round of its presidential elections with current President Emmanuel Macron winning the lion’s share of the votes.

He now faces a run-off against far-right candidate Ms Le Pen on April 24, with early polls showing everything to play for.

One user, President Pukein said: “Le Pen seems to understand the fundamental problems that the EU has wrought upon France.”

And username As above said: “Le Pen would respect Britain's democratic decision.”

Ms Le Pen has focused her campaign on the cost-of-living crisis, promising to cut taxes and waive income tax for under-30s.

Although she once supported France following Britain in leaving the EU, promising a referendum on “Frexit”, since losing the presidential election to Mr Macron in 2017, she now supports reformation of the EU alliance.

Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen win would be better for Brexit Britain (Image: Thomas Samson/AFP/Getty)

Ms Le Pen has placed less emphasis on nationalism compared to her previous campaigns but still wants a referendum on restricting immigration and supports a ban on the Islamic hijab in public areas.

Ahead of the second-round vote she said it was time for a “great changeover in France”.

She added that it was between two views: “Either division and disorder, or a union of the French people around guaranteed social justice.”

Username manboy was in full support of Ms Le Pen commenting: “Le Pen all the way.”

While username ScreenDrifter said: “Neither are good for the UK but Le Pen at least would be good for France.”

‘France is unhappy place like UK in 1970s - Paris is a foreign country’ Farage's verdict [VIDEO]
French election results visualised: Everything you need to know in maps and charts [ANALYSIS]
French Election: Le Pen in second round 'brilliant for Macron' [OPINION]

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron is running for a second term (Image: Chesnot/Getty)

Many were against Mr Macron winning a second term and said it would be bad for Brexit Britain.

Username Brexit4ThePeopleNow said: “Macron will NEVER be good for the UK in or out of the EU.”

And username PB1 said: “Macron isn't any good for anyone especially the UK as he's anti-British to the core.”

Username Notatam said: “Macron has made his feelings about the UK quite plain.”

French Election 2022

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen run-off against each other on April 24 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Mr Macron’s manifesto includes controversial plans to reform France’s pension scheme and raise the retirement age from 62 to 65.

Yet his continued criticism of the UK’s departure from the European Union could win him support.

He has previously described Brexit as a “crime” and claimed France has been made a “scapegoat” for Brexit.

He is planning to up his campaigning ahead of the second round with rallies and TV appearances following his lacklustre campaigning.

Mr Macron promised his supporters that he would work harder after being focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ahead of the first round.

He said: “When the extreme right in all its forms represents so much of our country, we cannot feel that things are going well."

He also addressed supporters of Ms Le Pen saying: “I want to convince them in the next few days that our project answers solidly to their fears and challenges of our time.” 

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