Brexit POLL: Do you think a second Macron term will be bad for Brexit Britain?

FRANCE heads to the polls on Sunday to vote in the first-round of its presidential elections. With Emmanuel Macron tipped for reelection, do you think a potential second term for the Frenchman will be bad for Brexit Britain? Vote in our polls.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Emmanuel Macron has long been the favourite to win France’s upcoming presidential election. The country heads to the polls on Sunday for the first-round ballot, with 12 hopefuls alongside Mr Macron in the offing.

Mr Macron became France’s youngest-ever president in 2017, and is running to win a second term for the centrist party, La République En Marche!

His manifesto includes the controversial plan to reform France’s pension scheme, raising the retirement age from 62 to 65, as well as giving schools more say over the deployment and pay of teachers.

This is unpopular among socialists and could see him lose valuable support by “destabilising voters from the left”, according to Chloé Morin, a political analyst at the Fondation Jean-Jaurès think-tank.

But what could save him is his continued criticism of the UK’s departure from the European Union.


Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron

Do you think a second Macron term will be bad for Brexit Britain? (Image: Getty)

He exchanged a war of words with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson following a fishing row in 2021, accusing him of making France a "scapegoat" for Brexit, which he claimed had been "catastrophic" for the UK.

At the time Nile Gardiner, a foreign policy analyst and former aide to Margaret Thatcher, told "He is seen as a hugely out-of-touch leader by most French people.

"His anti-British rhetoric doesn't play well for most French voters.

"Macron is on a vendetta against the UK – he has called Brexit a crime and this is pathetic posturing from a sinking presidency that is desperately lashing out at the UK because frankly, Brexit has been a great success.”

In his 2021 book, Europe Beyond the Euro, Charles Enoch quotes Mr Macron as saying: “In a few years' time, the UK will be able to find its place, if it wishes” in the EU – an EU that would be “refocused on uncompromising values and an effective market”.

French presidential candidates

France heads to the polls on Sunday, April 10 (Image: Getty)

Do you think a Le Pen win would better serve Britain?

Mr Macron’s main rival Marine Le Pen could provide strong competition should she reach the second-round run-off on April 24.

She represents the National Rally and was runner up to Mr Macron in 2017 but hopes her third bid for presidency will be successful.

Ms Le Pen was once in favour of France leaving the EU and supported Frexit promising a UK-style referendum.

However, since losing the presidential election in 2017, she has shifted her stance and now backs a reforming of the EU alliance.

READ MORE: Frexit in all but name! Le Pen victory would end French EU membership

Marine Le Pen

Do you think a Le Pen win would better serve Britain? (Image: Chesnot/Getty)

She told Euronews in 2020 that the EU should be redefined as an “alliance of nations” and that far-right politicians can “radically modify” Europe.

She added: “Maybe Great Britain can rejoin us once we've built something where each nation conserves their freedom.”

Regardless, she considered Europe to be a “prison” adding: "[Brexit] still took three years ... there was a real contempt for the people on the part of leaders of the European Union who barely hid wanting to make the divorce as difficult as possible.”

Macron told 7 out of 10 French want new leader days before vote [INSIGHT] 
‘If Macron not re-elected, not a tragedy’ rising Le Pen lambasted [ANALYSIS]
French election second-round polls: Le Pen closing gap on Macron [REPORT] 

Is France still an ally of Britain?

In his New Year’s Eve address in December 2020, Mr Macron said the UK remains France’s friend despite the Brexit referendum being won on “lies and false promises”.

He said: “The United Kingdom remains our neighbour, but also our friend and ally.

“This choice to leave Europe, this Brexit, was the child of the European malaise and of many lies and false promises.”

However, tensions between Britain and France have been worsened by Brexit negotiations and the longstanding issue of migrant crossings.

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron has continually criticised the UK’s departure from the European Union (Image: Getty)

At a soiree at the British embassy in Paris in October 2021 Peter Ricketts, Britain’s ambassador to France from 2012 to 2016 said tensions between Britain and France were “as bad as I can remember.”

He said: “My sense is the French have just totally lost confidence in the UK as an ally, and in the British government as something to depend on.”

And Sylvie Bermann, France’s ambassador to Britain from 2014 to 2017, said relations  “have never been this tense, this inimical. In Paris there is a real absence of trust – a feeling that Britain no longer honours the agreements it signs”.

So, what do YOU think? Will a second Macron term be bad for Brexit Britain? Will a Le Pen win would better serve Britain? And, is France still an ally of Britain? Vote in our polls and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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