‘We voted for Brexit, we got BRINO!’ Leavers rally against Boris Johnson

READERS of Express.co.uk have accused the Prime Minister of delivering "BRINO" - Brexit in name only - in response to comments by former Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Ben Habib: We haven’t actually had Brexit yet

After a Q&A with Mr Habib and Express.co.uk readers, a follow-up poll asked: “Do you think Boris Johnson has delivered a Brexit 'in name only'?” In total, 3,310 people voted in the poll which ran from 10am on Tuesday, April 5 to midday on Wednesday, April 6.
The overwhelming majority – 89 percent (2,954 people) – said “yes”, Boris Johnson has delivered a Brexit in name only. 

A further 10 percent (329 people) answered “no” and just one percent (27 people) said they did not know.

Thousands of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers engaging in a lively debate.

Username Quinn603 said: “Yes, it is Brexit in name only. We may have actually left the EU, but it was never going to be a full Brexit unless we get a true Brexiteer in number 10 then we are stuck with what we have.”

Username JL77 said: “Absolutely. He has delivered BRINO, not Brexit.”

And username Young Barr took the same view, commenting: “BRINO without a doubt.”

Mr Habib, former Brexit Party Member of the European Parliament, said that the UK had “yet to properly Brexit” and that it was still “on the hook” with the EU.

He told Express.co.uk readers: “We have left the institutions of the EU but have stayed very closely aligned to it.” 

As a result, some felt that the UK was still being restricted by the EU.

Username MoggHasNoBenefits said: “This isn't the Brexit I was promised…I'm on the brink of rage, as I am still shackled by the EU.”

Username imppy55 wrote: “Of course it's in name only. They are keeping us tied to the EU by the back door in every way they can.”

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has been accused of delivering “BRINO” – Brexit in name only (Image: Getty)

Mr Habib also said Brexit was a “broken promise”, and called on Mr Johnson to “take back control”. 

Username an1mal said: “Yes I think Boris has not delivered Brexit at all, we are even tied into the EU with EU debt that they invested in the UK businesses.” 

And username "." said: “Boris certainly hasn’t delivered Brexit.”

While username System147! Said: “Of course it's in name only. The establishment never wanted Brexit and to them it's a nuisance to be managed.”

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However, others felt Brexit was only ever a simple “leave or remain” referendum. 

Username JollyDodger1 wrote: “He has delivered exactly what was on the referendum ballot. We have left the EU. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Username Saoutchik said: “You were not asked what ‘type’ of Brexit you wanted, merely to Leave or Remain.”

And Username RemainerRon said: “At no point has the public voted on how we left the EU and with what deal.”

Ben Habib

Ben Habib said that the UK had 'yet to properly Brexit' (Image: Getty)
Username Winston Smith 4 said: “People were simply asked to choose [between] Leave and Remain; then after the victory of Leave the Government decided what Leave was supposed to mean and negotiated Brexit with the EU.”

While username RoyBoy1said: “Boris is trying hard to convince the public that we have left, however, it is in name only. No one voted for anything else except what was on the ballot paper.”

Others thought that Brexit had still been achieved 

Username StuartEllis1 said: “Boris has delivered Brexit of a sort – much better than BRINO but well short of a complete exit.”

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