And the most influential gadget of all time is …

TIME Magazine's definitive list of the 50 Most Influential Gadgets Of All Time will likely cause some arguments amongst smartphone owners.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Time Magazine has ranked the most influential gadgets of all timeGETTY • SONY • APPLE • CASIO

Time Magazine has ranked the most influential gadgets of all time

Time Magazine has named the Apple iPhone as the most influential gadget of all-time.

The US publication ranked the best-selling smartphone in first place during its recent run-down of the most 50 Most Influential Gadgets Of All Time.

According to the magazine, the iPhone was the device that truly revolutionised the smartphone category and ushered in the post-PC era.

"Apple was the first company to put a truly powerful computer in the pockets of millions when it launched the iPhone in 2007," writes Time.

"Smartphones had technically existed for years, but none came together as accessibly and beautifully as the iPhone. Apple’s device ushered in a new era of flat, touchscreen phones with buttons that appeared on screen as you needed them, replacing the chunkier phones with slide-out keyboards and static buttons.

The introduction of the App Store and mobile apps revolutionised personal computing GETTY

The introduction of the App Store and mobile apps revolutionised personal computing

The New York-based magazine goes on to praise the introduction of the Apple App Store and the software revolution that followed, describing how apps have changed how we shop, hail a cab, check public transport times, find a date, book a restaurant table, play video games, watch television, communicate with friends and share photographs with those closest to us.

iPhone fundamentally changed our relationship to computing and information

Apple has paid $40 billion, some £27 billion converted, since the App Store opened its digital doors.

According to Time, "the iPhone popularised the mobile app, forever changing how we communicate, play games, shop, work, and complete many everyday tasks.

“The iPhone is a family of very successful products. But, more than that, it fundamentally changed our relationship to computing and information – a change likely to have repercussions for decades to come.”

iPhone was the device that truly revolutionised the smartphone category and ushered in the post-PC era GETTY

iPhone was the device that truly revolutionised the smartphone category

Apple also placed third with its Apple Macintosh computer, credited with pioneering the graphical user interface, easy-to-use mouse and friendly appearance seen on modern personal computers.

Elsewhere, the 1968 Sony Trinitron TV took second place, and Japanese firm's iconic Walkman took fourth place.

Time praised the Walkman for being the first music player to combine portability, simplicity and affordability. It sold 200 million of the devices, which paved the way for the CD player and the iPod.

Check-out all the gadgets in Time Magazine’s Top 50 – here

The news comes as the latest leak about the upcoming .

Earlier this month,  – triggered by the first slump in iPhone sales in the devices' history.

The iPhone manufacturer reported a drop in revenue of 13 per cent during its most recent financial quarter. Apple shipped 51 million iPhones during the three months, compared to 61 million in 2015.

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