Washing machine damage warning as expert details 1 common mistake that leads to blockages

An appliance repair expert has raised the alarm regarding a common laundry misconception that can lead to washing machine blockages and damage.

By Melanie Kaidan, Lifestyle Reporter

Washing machine

Washing machine warning as expert raises alarm about common mistake that leads to damage (Image: Getty)

Many of us have experienced the frustration of pulling out our favourite clothes from the washing machine only to find them ruined or mysteriously missing.

While laundry mishaps are common, an expert warns that one everyday mistake can lead to serious issues, not just with our beloved garments but also with our washing machine.

Ian Palmer-Smith, appliance repair expert at Domestic & General, delved into Reddit to identify the main laundry mistakes - with one being particularly easy to make.

Research indicates that many Brits are spending nearly twice as much on washing detergent as necessary, with over a third admitting to using too much and more than half feeling unsure about how to dose it properly.

As one Reddit user noted, excessive soap usage in communal laundry facilities often leaves a residue in machines, resulting in clothes that smell of detergent even without using any.

A disassembled household washing machine

An appliance repair expert warns that one everyday washing machine mistake can lead to issues (Image: Getty)

The user, elvesunited, said: “My old dorm laundry room, the people used so much soap that there was some residual soap in the machines.

“I never used detergent but my clothes still always came out smelling slightly like detergent.”

The expert noted there’s a widespread misconception that more soap means cleaner clothes, but in reality, overuse can lead to stiff or sticky fabrics and create buildup in the machine, potentially causing blockages and even mould-related odours.

He said: “The common misconception is that more soap equals cleaner clothes, which is far from the truth.

Using Washing Machine powder soap

An appliance repair expert has raised the alarm regarding a common laundry misconception (Image: Getty)

“Excessive use can leave a residue on clothing, causing them to feel stiff or sticky and can also cause buildup within the machine, leading to blockages and even a musty smell from mould growth.”

For small to medium loads (about 5-6 kg), one to two tablespoons of detergent is generally enough.

For heavily soiled or larger loads (over 7 kg), three to four tablespoons may be necessary.

“However, always follow the instructions on detergent labels, and adjust the amount based on the load size,” the repairs pro added.

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