Brits told to dim the lights at night and keep bins away from windows

Brits have been advised to keep doors and windows closed throughout autumn, as well as keeping lights low in the evenings.

Child Sleeping in Bed with Soft Light

Brits are being urged to dim the lights (Image: Getty)

Households have been urged to dim their lights and keep windows closed this autumn.

That's because the UK has reached its peak in spider season, with the insects drawn to the warmth of houses, sheds, and garages as the weather gets colder.

With spider mating season also occurring in September and October, Brits have been advised to keep doors and windows closed and lights low in the evenings to repel them.

Spiders can enter homes through open windows, chimneys, or gaps under doors. Meanwhile, house spiders prefer to live indoors and can be found in cracks and crevices.

Experts at GardenBuildingsDirect have suggested moving outdoor bins away from open windows, dimming the lights in the evening and using scents spiders dislike, including citrus, lavender and tea tree oil.

Large common house spider

House spiders live in cracks and crevices indoors (Image: Getty)

A spokesperson from GardenBuldingsDirect said: “Spiders don’t have the best reputation and some people really don’t like sharing their home with them.  

“We’ve put together a few tips to deter the eight-legged creepy crawlies without harming them. Spiders are a good bug to have around - they eat common pests like flies and are a food source for other animals.

“However, if they’re really not for you, think about some simple changes like using scents they dislike, keeping the garden debris free and moving outdoor bins away from open windows. Maybe think about a wheelie bin storage shed too.

“Other things you can try include leaving pet hair where spiders come in and filling any gaps around the home.”

Here are GardenBuildingDirect’s tips for deterring spiders from home.

Citrus smells

Lemon, lime and oranges all repel spiders. Try spraying the scents around window sills and doors. Other scents spiders don’t like include eucalyptus oil, lavender, tea tree oil, peppermint oil and vinegar. 


Encourage natural predators like ladybirds and birds into your garden. These will help keep spiders at bay.

Fill in the gaps

Keep corners clean and tidy - these are attractive spots for spinning webs. Seal any gaps and openings to stop spiders getting in.


Try adding repelling plants to your interiors to deter the eight-legged insect. Peppermint, lavender, mint and lemon balm are good ones to grow. You could put them on pots outside by your front and back doors and near any windows you keep open.

House spider

Spiders are drawn to bright lights (Image: Getty)


Conkers are said to be an effective spider repellent. Place them in parts of your home where you tend to spot spiders like window sills and door frames.

Close the window

If you normally sleep with the window open, close it. Spiders are nocturnal and keeping the window open will encourage them in.

Dim the lights

Spiders are also drawn to light. Dim the lights if you can or use a lamp instead to stop the creepy crawlies sneaking in. 

Clear away dead bugs

Dead flies and other small insects are perfect spider food. So clear them up to limit the food sources available.

Eucalyptus tree

Plant a eucalyptus tree in the garden. Spiders are not fans of the strong, medicinal scent.

Outdoor bins

Move them away from doors and open windows. Spiders like to eat flies and flies can always be found around bins. Remember to close the bin lids.

Pet hair

Spiders don’t like the texture of pet hair. If you have a pet, let the fur accumulate in areas spiders sneak in.

Trim the garden

Clear up autumn leaves, grass cuttings and any other garden debris. Spiders and other bugs love to lurk in them.

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