These tiny balconies have a purpose – and people are only just realising

Juliet balconies have become a hot topic of conversation on social media, with many admitting they thought they were just for aesthetic purposes.

By Ethan Blackshaw, Content Editor

Balcony on building in Spain

People are just realising what these are for... (file) (Image: Getty)

Many are only just discovering the intended use of the tiny balconies you see on the outside of buildings.

These railings, seen on countless windows, aren't designed to offer a spot for relaxation or storage.

Known as Juliet balconies or balconettes, they were recently propelled into the limelight on Reddit. An image showing two such balconies was posted on the r/CasualUK subreddit with the caption: "What's the point in building these 'balconies'?"

The responses were mixed; some serious, others less so. One user pointed out that they provide the perfect opportunity to "stand in the window in your dressing gown" for a cigarette break.

Another suggested they would be useful for "hauling up awkward pieces of furniture that won't fit around the tight bend on the stairs".

Others offered more practical explanations. "It's a Juliet balcony. They're to maximise your view and air flow," one said, before joking: "You can stand there in the morning with the door open, coffee in hand, maybe even your tackle out, who knows!"

Another highlighted their safety purpose: "It's not really a balcony, it's the guard railing. Having a door there, instead of a window, means you can get greater views, more light and more ventilation. Obviously you don't want anyone falling out, hence the railing."

Balconette, a Juliet balcony manufacturer, states on its website: "To enhance your view, maximise natural light, and improve the airflow in your home, a Juliet balcony serves as the perfect solution.

"Opting for a glass Juliet balcony, with its sleek and clean lines, is a fantastic and affordable method to elevate both the external and internal aesthetics of your home. There's no denying that they truly enhance the overall appearance."

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