Daily horoscope for May 25: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast

AS RETROGRADE Mercury forms a trine to Pluto, today's horoscope invites curiosity, concentration, and adherence.

By Katie Elliott, Senior Personal Finance Reporter based in London

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The  will continue its transit in fiery , adding strength to the pragmatic Mercury-Pluto trine forces. Today brings the perfect atmosphere for planning and sketching out any future ventures you might have pushed aside. Take advantage of this transit to get the ball rolling. Express.co.uk reveals your , star sign reading,  and  forecast for May 25.

Mercury-Pluto trines help to tune you into detail or reveal hidden layers you might have missed on other days.

This meticulous transit helps provide increased insight, awareness and focused attention, and might spur you to dig a bit deeper.

Cafe Astrology said: “It’s a time to get to the bottom of a matter and investigate or research things further.

“With Mercury retrograde, we may be looking at a past issue in a new way.”

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Daily horoscope may 25

Daily horoscope for May 25: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast (Image: EXPRESS/GETTY)

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion, making it appear as though the planet is moving backwards from our view on earth.

Mercury rules intellect and communication, and when in retrograde, astrologers believe that the perceived backwards motion can upset both of these components.

It also has a tendency to inspire people to ruminate over the past.

The Mercury-Pluto trine can heavily influence this, and you might actually end up digging deeper than you initially intended, according to Tarot.com.

However, we’ll be heading for a Mars-Uranus semi-square in the morning, adding an impatient edge to the day’s energies.

Cafe Astrology said: “We may be looking to dominate or assert our independence if we feel trapped, restricted, or otherwise limited.

“We should watch for impulsive moves but also seek creative, inventive ways to get ahead."

The Aries Moon will be more “direct” and “enterprising” today, so make the most of today if you’re hoping to make “big life transformations”.

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Astrology planet aligning explainer

Mercury-Pluto trines help to tune you into detail or reveal hidden layers you might have missed (Image: EXPRESS)

Tarot.com said: “As the impulsive Moon in Aries sextiles the upbeat Sun in Gemini, we might feel confidently able to take on the challenge.”

During these transits, we can expect the traits associated with Gemini to become more prominent.

Astrology TV said: “Emotions can be dealt with more objectively during the Sun in Gemini transit, and there’s an emphasis on lively communication and friendly overtures towards others.

"Gemini energy is mutable energy, so it’s very changeable and quite fast-moving.”

Although, communication can appear to lack sincerity at times, coming across slightly superficial.

So, astrologers say it’s important not to read too much into what’s said during these times.

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