How far away can your support bubble be?

SUPPORT BUBBLES are an integral part of lockdown, with those living on their own allowed to expand their household for support. But how far away can your support bubble be?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Support bubbles were introduced by the Government during the first national lockdown, ensuring Britons living alone or in need of care were not struggling. Support bubbles are a network which links two households but is subject to certain rules and not everyone can form a support bubble. But how far away can your support bubble be?

In recent days there was some concern the Government may scrap support bubbles with the surge in coronavirus cases, however, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has categorically said this will not happen.

Speaking during a Downing Street press conference on Monday Mr Hancock said he wanted to be "crystal clear" the policy would remain.

He said: “I can rule out removing the bubbles that we have in place - the childcare bubbles (and) the support bubbles are very important and we're going to keep them.

"I know how important they are to people and they are an important part of the system that we have got to support people whilst also having these tough measures that are necessary."

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Support Bubble rules

How far away can your support bubble be? (Image: GETTY/PA)

How far away can your support bubble be?

With a crackdown on lockdown rule flouters and discussions around how far away from home Britons can travel, some are wondering what this means for support bubbles.

The government recommends support bubbles are formed with a household which lives locally “wherever possible.”

Current guidelines are for Britons to stay home and only leave for essential reasons.

Support Bubble rules: lockdown rules

Support Bubble rules: Current guidelines are for Britons to stay home, and only leave for essential reasons (Image: PA)

Support Bubble rules: Woman in support bubble

Support Bubble rules: The government recommends support bubbles are formed with a household which lives locally ‘wherever possible' (Image: GETTY)

The Government website states: “You are permitted to leave your home to visit your support bubble (and to stay overnight with them).

However, if you form a support bubble, it is best if this is with a household who live locally.

“This will help prevent the virus spreading from an area where more people are infected.”

And Britons cannot change who is in their support bubble once formed.

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Mr Hancock issued a warning during Monday’s press conference.

He said: “The bubbles are there for individual, specific people - so if you have bubbled with somebody, that is the person you have bubbled with.

"You can't keep moving bubbles, that's very important. Somebody in your bubble essentially becomes effectively part of your household.

"It is important that people stick to the same bubble but the bubbles policy will stay."

Support Bubble rules: Woman cutting hair

Support Bubble rules: Bubbles can be formed for reasons such as caring for someone (Image: GETTY)

Who can form a support bubble?

You can form a support bubble with another household of any size if:

you live by yourself – even if carers visit you to provide support

you are the only adult in your household who does not need continuous care as a result of a disability

your household includes a child who is under the age of one or was under that age on December 2, 2020

your household includes a child with a disability who requires continuous care and is under the age of five, or was under that age on 2 December 2020

you are aged 16 or 17 living with others of the same age and without any adults

you are a single adult living with one or more children who are under the age of 18 or were under that age on 12 June 2020

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