Happy New Year messages: How to say Happy New Year in 36 languages

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2021 is almost upon us and its time to say goodbye to 2020. If you want to wish friends and family around the world a Happy New Year, here is how to do so in 36 different languages.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson reflects on 2020 in New Year speech

Happy New Year! While celebrations may not be their usual extravagant parties, meals out and time with friends and family - the New Year is still a time to be merry. While 2020 has been a tumultuous year due to the coronavirus vaccine, the roll-out of vaccines starts 2021 off on a far more positive note.

Around the world, the New Year is welcomed in very different ways, from huge fireworks displays to smashing plates, eating grapes to ringing bells.

Fireworks displays can be seen worldwide, and Sydney has already welcomed 2021 with a lavish display over the Harbour Bridge.

However, this year has seen London’s fireworks cancelled in order to prevent crowds gathering as coronavirus cases surge.

In Denmark, smashed plates bring good luck in the New Year while in Romania, dressing up as a bear can ward off evil spirits.

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Happy New Year messages

Happy New Year messages: How to say Happy New Year in 36 languages (Image: GETTY)

Happy New Year messages: Fireworks

Happy New Year messages: Fireworks displays can be seen worldwide to commemorate New Year (Image: GETTY)

Celebrating New Year in Spain could see you eating grapes as there is a tradition to eat one grape each time the clock strikes at midnight.

In some South American countries, people may be seen walking the streets with an empty suitcase around the New Year.

Japanese traditions call for bells to be rung 108 times, while in Johannesburg, South Africa and Italy people like to start the year without any unwanted items.

So in these countries, they throw any old furniture from their windows to symbolise a fresh start.

Happy New Year messages: New Year grapes

Happy New Year messages: Celebrating the New Year in Spain could see you eating grapes (Image: GETTY)

In the Philippines, any objects which are round - like coins and grapes - are considered to bring wealth and success.

Ecuador sees many residents set fire to scarecrows which are filled with paper at midnight on New Year's Eve.

Any old photographs which represent bad memories are also burnt.

Doing this helps to banish any ill-fortune or bad things which have happened during the last year.

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How to say Happy New Year in 36 languages

1. Afrikaans - Voorspoedige nuwe jaar

2. Arabic - Kul 'am wa antum bikhair

3. Basque - Urte Berri on

4. Bengali - Shuvo noboborsho

5. Chinese (Cantonese) - Sun nien fai lok

6. Chinese (Mandarin) - Xin nian yu kuai

7. Czech - Stastny Novy Rok

Happy New Year messages: Weird traditions

Happy New Year messages: The weirdest New Year traditions around the world (Image: EXPRESS)

Happy New Year messages: Sydney New Year

Happy New Year messages: Sydney has already welcomed 2021 with a lavish display over the Harbour Bridge (Image: GETTY)

8. Danish - Godt Nytí r

9. Dutch - Gelukkig nieuwjaar

10. Esperanto - Bonan Novjaron

11. Finnish - Onnellista uutta vuotta

12. French - Bonne année

13. German - Ein gluckliches neues Jahr

14. Greek - Eutychismenos o kainourgios chronos

15. Hawaiian - Hauoli Makahiki hou

16. Hebrew - Shana Tova

17. Hungarian - Boldog uj evet

18. Indonesian (Bahasa) - Selamat Tahun Baru

19. Italian - Felice Anno Nuovo or Buon anno

20. Japanese - Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu

21. Korean - Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo

22. Laotian (Hmong) - Nyob Zoo Xyoo Tshiab

23. Latin - Felix sit annus novus

24. Nigerian (Hausa) - Barka da sabuwar shekara

25. Norwegian - Godt Nytt í r

26. Philippines (Tagalog) - Manigong Bagong Taon

27. Polish - Szczesliwego Nowego Roku

28. Romanian - La Multi Ani si Un An Nou Fericit

29. Samoan - Ia manuia le Tausaga Fou

30. Spanish - Feliz año nuevo

31. Swahili - Heri za Mwaka Mpya

32. Swedish - Gott Nytt í r

33. Thai - Sawatdee Pi Mai

34. Turkish - yeni Yılınız mutlu olsun

35. Vietnamese - Chuc mung nam moi

36. Welsh - Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

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