Glorious Twelfth meaning: What is the Glorious Twelfth?

GLORIOUS TWELFTH is one of the biggest days in the field sports calendar. So what is the Glorious Twelfth?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Hotel owner explains how grouse shooting keeps him in business

Each year in August the Glorious Twelfth marks the start of the shooting season across the UK, and has been an important date in the country calendar for years. The day marks the beginning of the grouse hunting season, with other birds such as pheasants being hunted later in the year.

What is the Glorious Twelfth?

The Glorious Twelfth falls on August 12 each year, marking the start of the shooting season.

Grouse shooting began in the Victorian era as early as 1853 and has continued throughout the years.

Hunters seek red grouse, which can be found only in Britain and are the one of most expensive game birds.

Read More: RSPB clash with gamekeepers over missing Scots sea eagles

Glorious Twelfth meaning: Hunter on the moors

Glorious Twelfth meaning: What is the Glorious Twelfth? (Image: GETTY)

August 12 is one of the busiest days in the shooting season, with large amounts of game being shot.

Often hunters partake in shooting holidays to travel to the moors where red grouse can be found.

Shooting itself is an expensive hobby, and many of the holidays can cost hunters thousands of pounds.

The grouse shooting industry employs around 2,500 jobs and can make up to £150 million every year.

Glorious Twelfth meaning: Sketch of hunters

Glorious Twelfth meaning: Grouse shooting began in the Victorian era as early as 1853 (Image: GETTY)

Glorious Twelfth meaning: Red Grouse

Glorious Twelfth meaning: Grouse hunting season begins on August 12 (Image: GETTY)

Grouse season lasts 121 days and the birds are not allowed to be shot on a Sunday.

The birds are prized for their flying speed, and the short time they are in season.

Grouse can fly across the moors at a staggering 70 mph, known for keeping low to the grass.

With their clever trick of switching direction in an instant, shooting the birds can be tricky.

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Why is the Glorious Twelfth controversial?

As with many hunting or bloodsports, there is opposition to the activity.

Estimates state approximately 700,000 grouse are shot every year in Britain for sport.

Wildlife experts and groups such as the League Against Cruel Sports oppose grouse shooting for several reasons.

Glorious Twelfth meaning: Hunting dog and dead grouse

Glorious Twelfth meaning: Hunters flock to the moors to track down the red grouse (Image: GETTY)

One is animal cruelty, as separate from the animals shot and killed - experts say other animals are poisoned, trapped or killed to protect game birds.

Wild snares and traps can catch animals such as foxes, deer, stoats, deer and badgers.

The League says: “Snares are predominantly used on land where ‘game-bird’ shooting takes place, for example in upland areas in England, snares are used on 27 percent of landholdings which host shooting, compared to 0.1 percent of landholdings which do not.”

People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have condemned the sport for its cruelty against animals. 

PETA wrote: "According to a report by the League Against Cruel Sports, 40 percent of birds shot are wounded rather than killed outright, causing intense suffering.

"Grouse are charming, sensitive birds who can survive as far north as the Arctic circle and are devoted parents to their chicks."

However, gamekeepers say responsible grouse moor management can, in fact, protect the environment.

The Countryside Alliance says grouse moor management plays a "key role in creating and maintaining our upland landscape”.

The pro-hunting group said: “Without grouse shooting, the landscape of many upland areas, and the communities they support, would be threatened."

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