Elf on the Shelf 2018: Hilarious Elf on the Shelf ideas taking social media by storm

ELF ON THE SHELF is taking festive season fun up a notch, with parents competing on social media to show the funniest capers Santa's little helper can get up to. Here are some hilarious Elf on the Shelf ideas.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Children enjoy Christmas with The Elf on the Shelf

Beginning in America, the adventures of the Elf on the Shelf began with a 2005 picture book titled The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. The book arrives with a pixie scout elf who is a mischievous confidant of Santa Claus. Each night in December the elf flies back to the North Pole to tell Santa whether the children have been naughty or nice.

Each morning the children then awake to find their elf has been up to some mischief: hiding toys, writing messages and eating their sweets to name but a few.

Some have even found their elf trapped inside the television! (Type Elf trapped in the TV on YouTube to manage this hilarious effect).

The perfect addition to an advent calendar, the elf helps children behave on the countdown to Christmas and makes the festive season come to life. 

Appearing on December 1, the Elf on the Shelf book tells of how he will be reporting back to Santa each night on the run up to Christmas Day.

Some parents use their elf to write messages to the children, telling them to behave or rewarding them for good behaviour.

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The Elf on the Shelf

ELF ON THE SHELF: Parents have been sharing their creative ideas for how to pose their elves (Image: ELF ON THE SHELF)

Bringing sweets or treats to children is one way that the elves can thank the little ones for being good.

If they are being naughty - there have even been elves going on strike until the children behave!

Social media has been awash with parents posting pictures of the latest shenanigans their elves have been up to. 

Using the hashtag #elfontheshelf, parents have been taking to Twitter and Instagram to showcase their creative efforts.

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If you’re stuck for what to do with your elf, express.co.uk has compiled a list of fun ideas: 

  • Use toothpaste to write how many days are left until Christmas, pose your elf with the tube to look like he wrote it
  • Pop your elf with his arms and head sticking out of a stocking
  • Pose your elf with a mirror and some make up 
  • Create a conga line of shoes and pose toys inside with your elf at the front
  • Have your elf read some other toys a bedtime story
  • Pose him with scissors and cut out some paper snowflakes
  • Trap him inside the washing machine

elf on the shelf ideas

Elf on the Shelf: Children have been captivated by the magical elf (Image: ELF ON THE SHELF)
  • Wrap up some of your child’s belongings in seasonal wrapping paper and pose your elf with the sellotape
  • Set up some of your toys play a board game with the elf
  • Pose him with some flour, eggs and mince pies or gingerbread to show he’s been baking
  • Open some sweet wrappers and pose them around him
  • Hide him amongst the presents under the tree
  • Draw a seasonal picture and pose your elf with the pen

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