Sleep therapist shares little-known root that could be the key to a peaceful night's sleep

Sleep therapist shared her top tips for a restful night's sleep, including incorporating a little-known herbal remedy that can help you fall asleep faster.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Person sleeping

A sleep therapist detailed how valerian root can help aid quality sleep (Image: GETTY)

An expert has disclosed that valerian root could be the herbal key to unlocking a blissful night's sleep, as half of Britons toss and turn in frustration.

A survey by Kalms Herbal Remedies has brought to light the sleep struggles faced by many across the UK, prompting sleep specialist Dr Nerina Ramlakhan to share her top advice for securing the rest we all crave.

Dr Ramlakhan, a seasoned physiologist, has shone a spotlight on an often-overlooked herbal hero: valerian root.

This natural aid boasts centuries-old recognition for its potent "sleep-inducing properties" that foster calmness while tackling stress and anxiety, notorious for sabotaging our slumber.

Available in various forms such as essential oils, gummies, teas, and even hot chocolate, valerian root is versatile in its use.

Person sleeping

Dr Ramlakhan shared five top tips to a great night's sleep (Image: GETTY)

The sleep guru advocates for herbal solutions available over the counter for those wrestling with restless nights, pointing out that they not only assist in maintaining sleep throughout the night but also come with fewer morning-after side effects.

In addition to valerian root, Dr Ramlakhan underscores the importance of four other sleep-enhancing strategies, with a regular sleep routine topping the list.

Adhering to a consistent bedtime can synchronize your body clock, which is instrumental in not just falling asleep swiftly but also enhancing the overall quality of sleep.

Having a bedtime routine or ritual that's conducive to a peaceful night is also pivotal, with the doctor recommending people incorporate practices like deep breathing, meditation, reading or a warm bath.

Incorporating this as a consistent routine can indicate to the body when it's time to rest.

The doctor advised people to invest in comfortable mattresses, pillows, blackout curtains, white noise machines, earplugs, or anything else they think will make their sleep environment more conducive to sleep, noting that they should be aiming to keep it cool, dark and quiet.

Lastly, the sleep therapist strongly advised minimising screen time and stimulants before bed, including the likes of heavy meals, nicotine and alcohol as these can disrupt sleeping patterns.

Similarly, blue light from electronics can interfere with melatonin production, the hormone that regulates sleep in the body.

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