Prostate cancer symptoms: Five easy-to-miss signs of the deadly disease

PROSTATE cancer symptoms can easily be mistaken for less serious conditions, but because the cancer is so common it’s important to recognise all the signs. There are five easy-to-miss symptoms to watch out for.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Prostate cancer: What are the signs and symptoms?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the UK, with figures showing one in eight will be diagnosed during their lifetime.

Symptoms usually develop when the cancer grows and puts pressure on the urethra (the tube that connects the urinary bladder to the penis).

But even then, symptoms of prostate cancer can easily be missed.

Here are five signs linked to the disease that aren’t always picked up on.

Prostate cancer - there are five easy-to-miss symptoms to watch out for

Weak flow of urine

If you go to the toilet and your urine stream isn’t as strong, it could be a sign of the disease, according to the NHS.

Decreased flow can happen as a result of the tumour pressing on the urethra.

Swollen feet or legs

If prostate cancer spreads to the lymph nodes it can leas to a condition known as lymphoedema.

The body’s lymphatic system is linked to the immune system and carries fluid, called lymph, around the body.

If it becomes blocked, fluid can build up and cause swelling.

Prostate cancer symptoms: Are you at risk? Five easy-to-miss signs of the deadly disease

Prostate cancer symptoms: Are you at risk? There are five easy-to-miss signs (Image: GETTY)


If prostate cancer spreads to the bowel, symptoms such as constipation can begin.

Those diagnosed with cancer already may also experience constipation as a result of some chemotherapy drugs, anti-sickness drugs and painkillers, advises cancer charity Macmillan.

Back pain

Back pain from prostate cancer can occur if the cancer has spread to the bones in the back.

In a 2013 study it was found back pain signals a higher than expected rate of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer symptoms: Are you at risk? Five easy-to-miss signs of the deadly disease

Prostate cancer symptoms: Swollen feet and legs is one sign many may miss (Image: GETTY)

Prostate cancer symptoms: Are you at risk? Five easy-to-miss signs of the deadly disease

Prostate cancer symptoms: Back pain can be another indicator of the disease (Image: GETTY)

Researchers studied men who reported this kind of pain after one year and then again 10 years later.

The incidence of prostate cancer was five times higher a year later among men who had back pain compared to what would have been expected.

Ten years later, prostate cancer was 50 per cent more common among men with back pain.

Unexplained weight loss

Small weight changes over tine are quite normal, but if you lose a noticeable amount of weight without trying to you should tell your doctor.

Losing weight without trying to is associated with most types of cancer.

Having a weak flow when you urinate isn’t the only symptom of prostate cancer linked to urination. There are five others to note.

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