Disabled Britons call for fines on pavement parking: ‘Selfish and inconsiderate’

PARKING on the pavement should be banned and offenders fined, a recent poll of Express.co.uk readers has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Pavement parking: Blind man reveals the dangers

Sustainable transport charity Sustrans said the practice of pavement parking was “discriminatory” towards disabled members of the public. This is because motorists often block footpaths making it difficult for disabled people to get around.

Currently, only London has a ban on pavement parking and while the Highway Code advises against it, it is not illegal outside the capital.

In a set of polls that ran from 11am on Saturday, May 21, to 1pm on Tuesday, May 24, Express.co.uk asked readers’ opinions on whether pavement parking should be banned and if offenders should be fined.

First, Express.co.uk asked: “Should pavement parking be banned?” 

A total of 4,166 people cast their votes with the vast majority, 81 percent (3,394 people) answering “yes”, pavement parking should be banned.

A further 18 percent (752 people) said “no” and one percent (20 people) said they did not know.

Then Express.co.uk asked: “Should people who park on pavements be fined?”

This question had 4,068 responses with most people opting in favour of those who park on the pavement being fined.

Overall, 81 percent (3,305 people) said “yes” while 18 percent (717 people) said “no”

Just one percent (46 people) said they did not know either way.

Readers shared their thoughts in hundreds of comments left below the accompanying article.

Pavement parking and fine

Disabled Britons call for fines on pavement parking: ‘Selfish and inconsiderate’ (Image: Mike Kemp/Getty and Peter Dazeley/Getty)

One reader, username Daltonex said: “Pavements are for people not cars. If they park on the pavement disabled people will have no way of travelling safely.”

Username spicegirl said: “They don't have any consideration for the old or blind trying to walk on a pavement. SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE action.”

Username AFG1234 said: “It is selfish to completely block the pavement, especially when it is unnecessary.”

And usernameStreakyBacon wrote: “Ban parking on pavements and fine any culprits heavily.”

Many readers noted that cars often park on the pavement and block the path for pedestrians.

Username freckles3107 said: “My son is partially sighted, vehicles parked on pavements endanger his life, my life, and any other person they force to walk in the road.”

Another, username REVet said: “My grandson is wheelchair-bound and a lot of the time if I'm pushing him I have to leave the pavement to go into main road traffic to get around some cars or vans because of thoughtless parking.”

Likewise, username Edna Woolley wrote: “Some IDIOTS like to park on pavements so people like me in a wheelchair cannot get by on the path.”

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Britain's top 10 places to appeal a parking fine

Britain's top 10 places to appeal a parking fine (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Xavier Brice, Sustrans’s chief executive, said: “The evidence is clear that people wish to feel safe and welcome while walking and wheeling, and without parked vehicles getting in their way.

“Pavement parking is discriminatory against wheelchair and mobility scooter users, other disabled people, those with visual impairments and more.”

Other readers said that in some circumstances pavement parking was necessary.

Username dogtired said: “In our area, if pavement parking was banned no emergency vehicles or lorries would be able to get down the roads.”

Username RavenOnsaid: “If cars did not park on pavements where I live then most roads would be single lane traffic which would become blocked as cars from both ends try to get through but block each other. 

“Even with cars parking on pavements, trying to get down these roads of terraced houses is already a nightmare.”

And username GHLPOOL said: “Depends on the area – in a terraced street there isn't an alternative. The street is too narrow to allow everyone to park on the road and still allow other vehicles to pass. 

“If the pavement is quite wide, so wheelchairs and pushchairs can still get past.”

Similarly, username FAIRDOOS wrote: “I don’t have a problem with cars having to park on pavements, it’s the ones who do not leave enough space for a pram or mobility scooter, these should be fined.”

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