POLL: Should state pension be increased to a minimum of £320 a week?

A campaign group for senior citizens in the UK has called for a £320 minimum state pension to ensure older Britons have sufficient income without having to rely on Pension Credit.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Campaign group Silver Voices has called for the to be increased to at least £320 a week, equivalent to £1,280 a month, to remove the need for pensioners to claim .

Pension Credit helps some Britons of state pension age with low income to top up their finances, increasing an individual’s income to £201.05 a week and couples up to £306.85 a week. Silver Voices has said that Pension Credit to “plagued by a low take-up rate” and called for the Government to take “urgent” action to improve the welfare of Britain’s pensioners.

The full basic state pension is currently £156.20 a week and the full new state pension for those with at least 35 years of National Insurance contributions is £203.85 a week. Silver Voices director Dennis Reed has said that a minimum state pension amount of £320 a week, half the average weekly earnings figure for the UK, is “realistic and sustainable”.

He explained: “If political parties are serious about tackling pensioner poverty and stopping premature deaths through hypothermia and malnutrition, then they must introduce a pension which is sufficient for life’s essentials.”

READ MORE: Ditch 'flawed' Pension Credit for £1,280 'living' state pension, say campaigners

Senior man sitting with a walking stick thinking

POLL: Should state pension be increased to a minimum of £320 a week? (Image: Getty)

He continued: “No pensioner household, having paid their taxes and national insurance for all their working lives, should be forced to claim benefits in order to survive.

“Our proposal of a minimum state pension of £320 per week is realistic and sustainable, as it would be partly paid for by scrapping the flawed Pension Credit system.

“Every older person should receive a basic income sufficient to heat their homes and feed their households, without having to apply for a top-up benefit. Lip service by politicians to the right to a dignified retirement is no longer acceptable to senior citizens, they must deliver the wherewithal.”

So what do YOU think? Should state pension be increased to a minimum of £320 a week? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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