TV licence deemed an 'unfair tax' on public as readers lament proposed hike

A new poll has shown widespread support in favour of the planned £13 increase to the TV licence fee being scrapped.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

David Dimbleby says that TV licence system is ‘very unfair’

The BBC is due to , which is the biggest rise in more than 20 years. The annual fee will reportedly be hiked from £159 to £172 as the two-year freeze policy ends. However, a has shown that 94 percent of readers support the increase being axed.

Former Culture Secretary signed off on a two-year price freeze, keeping the TV licence fee at £159 until April 2024. The Culture Department’s official policy states that from this date it will increase in line with inflation. The public broadcaster’s Royal Charter is due to expire in December 2027.

According to The Telegraph’s report, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has forecast the inflation figure to be 8.2 percent. This means the licence fee will rise by £13 to £172.

Ms Dorries said that the licence fee should not increase until changes to the broadcaster's funding are considered. She said: “I am in favour of freezing it until a full review of how the BBC is funded is completed and alternatives explored.”

Alongside the on Wednesday, March 15, the OBR, the Government’s official independent forecaster, released a series of estimates on revenues into the Treasury. It forecast the licence fee revenues will increase from £3.7billion in 2023 to £4billion in 2024.

READ MORE: BBC licence fee could increase while top earners rake in MILLIONS

Senior couple watching TV

A staggering 94 percent of readers support the increase being axed (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 11.15am on Friday, March 17, to 4.30pm on Monday, March 20, : “Should the proposed BBC TV licence hike be axed?”

A total of 6,013 votes were cast, with a staggering 94 percent t (5,633 people) answering “yes” the increase should be axed.

Whereas six percent (371 people) said “no” it should not, and a further nine people said they did not know either way.

In the comments left below the accompanying article .

Many readers argued that the increase should be cancelled, with username FreeBrexiteer commenting: “Yes, yes and yes, what a stupid thing to consider doing now!”

Username John 58 said: “Yes it needs doing away with altogether.”

Other readers agreed that the licence fee was not fit for purpose. Username nou said: “No it should not go up, it should go down or be abolished altogether.”

Similarly, username LastTango wrote: “The Government should cancel the license fee altogether. It's an unfair tax.”

BBC licence fee infographic

The BBC licence fee is due to increase to £172 next year (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

TV licence fee: The groups who can get a discount on their BBC bill - are you eligible?

The majority of households in the UK have to pay the £159 TV licence fee in full however there are some groups who can receive a discount and some who don't need to pay at all.

There are several groups of Britons who could be entitled to a reduction or refund on their TV licence.

Another, username gezzer said: “There shouldn't be a licence fee in the 21st century. why are people forced, by the threat of law, court, fines and imprisonment, to pay for TV which is freely available on other channels.”

Likewise, username ProfessorAW said: “No, the rise should not be cancelled. The whole tax should be cancelled forthwith.”

Username parliamentisapunchandjudyshow remarked: “No, the Government should cancel the TV licence and make the BBC accountable.”

And username DaemonStorm said: “They should cancel the BBC, never mind the rise.”

A spokesperson said: “The Government agreed a six-year licence fee settlement in January 2022 which froze the licence fee for two years, with increases in line with inflation from 2024. It is not for the BBC to speculate on what inflation might be and how that might impact the licence fee in future years.

“Ultimately it is for Government to set and confirm the cost of a licence each year. The BBC will continue to focus on what it does best: working to deliver world-class content and value for all its audiences.”

Other readers suggested the broadcaster adopted an alternative funding model and considered becoming a subscription service. Username Lilac rose commented: “Scrap the licence and go subscription.”

While username northumbrianchef said: “Let those who wish to watch BBC programmes pay for it – subscription is the only fair way to fund it.”

Senior couple watching TV

Some readers suggested the BBC became a subscription service (Image: Getty)

Culture Minister Julia Lopez said: “We’re concerned the public is losing support for the licence fee, but also fundamentally the way in which people consume television is changing very rapidly and we need to make sure the BBC has a future that is sustainable in the years ahead.”

However, a minority of readers thought the licence fee hike was justifiable and should be kept. Username fredoo said: “No – keep it.”

And username Woff Woff_ said: “Compared to it's still great value.”

The fee was introduced in June 1946 and all households that want to watch or stream live programming are required to pay. , including those over 75 on , are exempt from the charge.

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