Pensioners with arthritis may claim over £4,000 a year via DWP benefit - are you eligible?

Attendance Allowance could help pensioners living with a variety of health conditions.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

attendance allowance

Attendance Allowance is paid at two different rates a lower and higher rate (Image: GETTY)

One of the conditions which Attendance Allowance could help with is arthritis and joint pain. The NHS states arthritis or other joint conditions affect millions of people in the UK, albeit in different ways.

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The benefit is designed to assist with extra costs for those of state pension age with a disability or condition severe enough that they require help or supervision.

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint.

Across Great Britain, millions of people have arthritis or other, similar conditions that affect the joints.


state pension explained

State pension age is currently 66 in the UK (Image: EXPRESS)

If someone is living with arthritis, joint or muscle pain and they are over state pension age, they could be eligible for support from the DWP through Attendance Allowance.

Many more people may be entitled to Attendance Allowance but simply do not know enough about it to make a claim.

It is also worth noting that a successful claim for the benefit could also result in a one-off payment for £150 this summer to help with the cost of living.

No qualifying period has been announced yet, nor a payment window over the summer, so making a claim now which later turns out to be successful is something which should not be put off.


The symptoms of arthritis can vary, however, the condition can impact people and their daily lives severely.

This can include joint pain, inflammation, restricted movement, weakness and muscle wasting - all of which can limit day-to-day activities.

Other joint conditions include:
Ankylosing spondylitis
Cervical spondylitis
Psoriatic arthritis
Enteropathic arthritis
Reactive arthritis
Secondary arthritis
Polymyalgia rheumatica.

Attendance Allowance could therefore provide important help to support a person living with one or more of these conditions.



As the cost of living crisis continues, any extra cash could be vital for families on low incomes (Image: GETTY)

It is not means-tested, meaning what a person earns or how much they have in savings will not impact what they get.

Attendance Allowance is paid weekly at two different rates, and what someone gets is dependent on the level of help they need.

People could get either £61.85 or £92.40 a week depending on the level of care they need because of their condition.

This is paid every four weeks and works out at £247.40 and £369.60, respectively.

Over 12 months, this could provide extra income worth £4,438.80.

People can spend the money however they like and it could help them stay independent in their own home for longer.

This might include paying for taxis, helping towards bills, paying for a cleaner or gardener.

People should consider applying for Attendance Allowance if they have a disability or illness and need help or supervision throughout the day or at times during the night - even if they do not currently get that help.

This might include:
Help with their personal care - for example getting dressed, eating or drinking, getting in and out of bed, bathing or showering and going to the toilet
Help to stay safe

Individuals should also consider applying if they have difficulties with personal tasks, for example if they take a long time, they experience pain or they need physical help, like a chair to lean on.

Attendance Allowance is not just for people with a physical disability or illness. It includes mental health conditions, learning difficulties and a sensory condition - if they are deaf or blind.

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