TV licence fee torn apart by readers demanding removal of 'archaic tax'

A recent poll of readers found the overwhelming majority are in favour of pensioners being exempt from paying the TV licence fee.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

David Dimbleby says that TV licence system is ‘very unfair’

As the BBC celebrates its century, Britons have called for the TV licence fee to be scrapped. A new poll of readers found pensioners should not be made to pay the annual £159, with many arguing it should be scrapped altogether.

All UK households who watch or stream live broadcasts are subject to the annual fee which covers all devices owned by residents. Only households with members who are aged over 75 years old on Pension Credit are exempt from the fee. This means an estimated 3.7 million over 75s have to pay.

In addition, over 75s who live in qualifying care homes or sheltered accommodations do not have to pay while those who are registered blind are entitled to a discount.

The BBC receives 74 percent of its income, equivalent to £5.06billion from the licence fee, according to Parliamentary figures. However, this is reportedly 30 percent lower in real terms than it was 10 years ago.

More than a quarter of a million more Britons cancelled their licence fee last year compared to the average rate – reflecting both the cost of living crisis and the availability of subscription streaming services.

Former Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries froze the licence fee at its current rate for two years. It will increase in line with inflation until 2028 when the BBC’s Charter concludes.

READ MORE: BBC warned funding model 'no longer fit for purpose' as it turns 100

Couple watching TV and TV licence bill

UK households are subject to an annual TV licence fee of £159 (Image: Getty and PA)

In a poll from midday on Tuesday, October 18, to midday on Sunday, October 18, asked readers: “Should all pensioners be exempt from paying TV licence fee?”

In total, 1,488 people responded with the overall result being “yes”, winning by a landslide of 96 percent (1,424 people).

Meanwhile, four percent (60 people) said “no” pensioners should not be exempt, and a further four people said they did not know.

Readers debated the future of the TV licence with dozens of comments left below the accompanying article.

Some readers argued that pensioners are deserving of free TV licences, with username Peniel13 commenting: “Of course, all pensioners should receive free licences.”

They continued: “Shame on a government that cares so little for the over 65s and denies them the simple pleasure of watching the box.”

And username Jed Hawkins said: “A lot of pensioners (65-year-olds) still work so can afford the fee but at 80 they don't so they should get it free.”

In an interview with the Radio Times published this week, BBC News anchor Huw Edwards defended the need for the TV licence fee, saying: “I think it would be a mistake if at any point it [the BBC] takes audiences and the licence fee for granted, especially now that younger people have different consumption patterns. It has a bigger job than ever before to justify its place and funding.”


TV licence fee used to cost families just 50p [ANALYSIS]
TV Licence: Should you get a refund? [ADVICE]
Britons demand stop to non-payment prosecutions for TV licence [REPORT]

BBC licence fee infographic

The TV licence fee licence fee has been frozen at the current rate for two years (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

BBC logo

The BBC receives 74 percent of its income from the TV licence fee (Image: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty)

TV licence fee: The groups who can get a discount on their BBC bill - are you eligible?

The majority of households in the UK have to pay the £159 TV licence fee in full however there are some groups who can receive a discount and some who don't need to pay at all.

There are several groups of Britons who could be entitled to a reduction or refund on their TV licence.

He continued: “People are more cynical than ever before and that is partly to do with the way people consume social media and tell themselves that certain things are not right, or genuine. 

“Supporting the arts and education is a crucial function of the BBC, especially those parts which wouldn’t make it in a harsh commercial world.

“I would argue that it is very good value for money. We represent 100 years of incredible achievement and some of the best programming in the world.”

However, other readers commented that pensioners should not be exempt from paying the fee, with username Mr. AlwaysRight arguing: “TV is a luxury not an essential.”

Meanwhile, many readers thought the TV licence should be scrapped for everyone in the UK. 

Username PhilCo58 said: “Not just pensioners, all viewers should be exempt. Get rid of this archaic tax, put them [the BBC] on a commercial footing like other channels.”

Username NorthernGeezer wrote: “EVERYONE should be exempt from paying the licence fee! In this day and age, the BBC MUST find another way to raise its money!”

And username Taxed to Death said: “Everyone should be exempt. A new funding system is needed.”

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