Universal Credit warning: Financial good luck could impact benefit payments - watch out

INHERITANCE and other windfalls could potentially end Universal Credit, Income Support and Pension Credit payments for Britons.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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While a large windfall is an idealist dream for many, actually having one could be at the detriment of one’s financial situation, but that should not deter them from reporting it. Whether it’s cash, property or investments, can greatly impact how much one receives from the , here’s how to work it out.

Windfalls that can affect one’s means-tested benefits include a variety of things such as:

  • Cash, property or investment being inherited
  • Compensation payment or insurance claim
  • Dividends
  • Private or work pension
  • Redundancy pay.


Woman looking at letters

If a benefit recipient receives a large enough windfall their benefits amount may drop to £0 (Image: GETTY)

The type of benefits one claims and how much they have in before the windfall will also have an effect on the end result. 

Regardless of whether it will affect one’s benefits, a change of circumstance such as receiving a windfall should be reported to the relevant benefits office. 

Not doing so could see people being fined or receiving overpaid benefits and having to pay it back.  

Means-tested benefits generally depend on one’s income and savings to decide their rates and if they are eligible for the benefit at all. 


Universal credit explainer

Britons should be aware of the savings limits for the benefits they receive (Image: EXPRESS)

These benefits include:

  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • tax credits (Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax Support.

There is a current £16,000 savings limit for:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based JSA
  • Income-related ESA
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit if you’re under State Pension age.

Having savings of £6,000 and below will not affect the benefit, however, savings between £6,000 and £16,000 will likely decrease the amount that one is able to claim.  

Savings over £16,000 will mean people are not eligible for these benefits. 

For specifically, every £250 one has over £6,000 counts as £4.35 of monthly income. 

Income-based JSA, Income-related ESA, Income Support and Housing benefit counts every £250 over £6,000 as £1 of weekly income. 

However, it should be noted that for Housing Benefit there are different rules for people over the state pension age.

They can have up to £10,000 in savings before their claim is affected, with every £500 over this counting as £1 of weekly income.

Pension Credit has no upper limit of savings where the benefit will end, but only the first £10,000 will not impact the benefit with every £500 after that counting as £1 of income. 

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