Octopus Energy CEO says meter readings causing ‘unnecessary stress’ and offers his advice

OCTOPUS ENERGY CEO Greg Jackson has confirmed that companies will backdate energy readings if customers cannot submit them today.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

This Morning: Martin Lewis explains the energy price cap

He said submitting the readings today has caused “unnecessary stress”. This follows advice from Martin Lewis, dubbing today #MeterReadingDay.

Multiple energy provider websites have crashed today as thousands of customers scramble to submit their readings. 

Mr Jackson told BBCs The World at One that trying to submit a meter reading before the price cap rise was unnecessary.

He also shared on Twitter: “ To all the conspiracy theorists…

“*No* energy companies have taken meter readings offline. Right now, we have 2500 calls waiting. On a normal busy day, it'd be 150.


Woman taking a meter reading

Multiple sites, including Octopus Energy, have been affected today (Image: GETTY)
“Yesterday, we increased the number of servers we us by 250 percent to help with the expected load.”

The Octopus Energy Twitter page has also posted saying: Chat about #MeterReadingDay means loads of people on our variable tariff Flexible Octopus are trying to add readings via phone & our site right now, so both are slower than usual. 

“There’s no rush to add readings.”

The account went on to tell customers on their variable tariff Flexible Octopus that it would be best to give a reading on Saturday.


Energy meter

The price cap will be rising tomorrow but Britons have been told they could backdate readings (Image: GETTY)

They also advised that smart meter customers do not need to give a reading. 

Additionally, customers can make a note of the reading, add it later and backdate the reading.

The account concluded saying: “If you choose to do it today 31st expect a wait, we’ll also have to estimate what you’ve used between now & the 2nd. 

“So it's best to wait and add readings on the day prices change.”

A range of energy firms are experiencing issues with their websites following Mr Lewis’ advice to submit a meter reading today. 

Energy firm .

He appeared on ITV’s This Morning programme and took to Twitter to remind Britons that they have less than 24 hours before the price cap rise. 

Soon after reports started flooding through that people couldn’t update their readings on websites including Eon, EDF, Scottish Power, British Gas and SSE.

The energy price cap is due to increase by 54 percent tomorrow, increasing the panic for Britons already on the edge of fuel poverty. 

Ofgem announced the energy price cap rise in early February, sharing that it would increase by almost £700. 

It has been reported that the following firms have experienced issues with their website today:

  • Eon
  • EDF
  • Scottish Power
  • Shell
  • British Gas
  • SSE.

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