Martin Lewis suggests action to take if energy firm doubles your direct debit - 'Not fair'

MARTIN LEWIS said Britons should beware if their direct debits for energy bills doubles as it could be a breach of licence.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Martin Lewis advises on energy firms and direct debits

Money saving expert Martin Lewis appeared on Good Morning Britain yesterday to answers queries during the cost of living crisis. A concerned viewer shared that her direct debits for energy may double, but Mr Lewis said “there is no reason” for this to happen.

One viewer was concerned about her direct debit for energy doubling.

Mr Lewis told the concerned viewer this was a “disproportionate" increase.

The price cap is set to rise by 54 percent in April, however having one’s direct debit doubled is a 100 percent increase. 

Mr Lewis shared: “I gave evidence last week in the House of Commons on the fact that I believe some energy firms are deliberately inflating the amount that they put on direct debit to help with their cash flow.”


Martin Lewis

Martin Lewis appeared on Good Morning Britain yesterday (Image: ITV/GETTY)

He has told the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee: “There is no reason to double someone’s direct debit when they’re in credit and the price cap is going up 54 percent.

“That’s not mathematically sound and it’s a breach of licence conditions. I have been very concerned that a number of companies are doing it to improve their cash flow situation at the expense of their customers and I would like to see the regulator crack down on that quite substantially.”

This is a concerning turn of events in what is already a worrying time for vulnerable households. 

Mr Lewis advised that households who believe they are being taken advantage of by their energy firm in this way should: “Go to them and say, can you justify why you are putting it up so much?”


Energy meter

Mr Lewis highlighted that his tip would not work on smart meters (Image: GETTY)

He cautioned that energy firms should not reply with the justification that they are anticipating another rise in October.

The money saving expert highlighted: “That’s not fair!”

He continued: “You want to say: This is not what I want to pay, I want you to bring it down. I’m happy for it to go up by 50 percent. I’m not happy for it to go up by more.”

He concluded: “If that doesn’t work, make a formal complaint.”

In February, Ofgem announced the energy price cap would increase in April by almost £700.

This has left many worried about how they will afford to get by, especially those who require energy for medical equipment.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak attempted to aid the plight of households by creating a package of measures also due to come in in April.

The package includes a £150 council tax rebate for homes in bands A to D which will not need to be repaid. 

Additionally, households will also receive £200 energy loan which will need to be repaid in £40 instalments over the next five years.

Mr Lewis previously advised that certain households could make the best of a bad situation depending on their payment method. 

He shared that customers on prepayment meters who topped up before the price cap rise due tomorrow would be able to use the energy on a cheaper rate. 

Essentially, this would see households paying March prices for the energy they used in April. 

However, the money saving expert has since apologised to his audience noting that he was “gutted” as it came to light that some energy suppliers had backtracked on what he had been told.

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