Britons may be able to get free sight tests and travel to treatment

FREE NHS prescriptions for over 60s are under threat, as the upper exemption age could rise to state pension age if a Government proposal goes ahead. Other free NHS services, treatment and items are still available for some, however.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Free NHS prescriptions to end from April? What you need to know

Prescription items currently cost £9.35 per item but are free for certain groups including the over 60s - an eligibility criteria which could rise to the state pension age. NHS sight tests, wigs, fabric support and refunded travel costs are available for eligible Britons.

Pre-payment certificates have been suggested for those that worry the age change for free prescriptions could impact their financial situation. 

This offers Britons three or 12 month certificates which are paid for upfront and provide a cheaper alternative than buying prescriptions individually. 

The three month certificate costs £30.25 with the 12 month version costing £108.10. It could mean Britons who have more than one prescription a month are able to save money.

However, there are a range of other free offerings for eligible individuals that can help lighten the burden of a potential extended wait for free prescriptions.

Person sitting in a doctor's room

Certain items and services are free to eligible Britons (Image: GETTY)

NHS sight tests are available for anyone who meets at least one of the below criteria:

  • On Universal Credit with earnings less than £435 per month
  • Receiving income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
  • Aged under 16 
  • Aged under 19 and in full-time education
  • Aged 60 or over
  • Getting child tax credit or working tax credit
  • An NHS hospital in-patient
  • Registered blind, severely sight impaired, sight impaired or partially sighted
  • Patient of the Hospital Eye Service
  • Diagnosed glaucoma patient
  • Aged 40 or over and a close relative of a person diagnosed with glaucoma
  • Advised to be at risk of glaucoma
  • Diagnosed diabetic
  • Living in Scotland. 

NHS hospital sign

NHS in-patients receive free prescriptions (Image: GETTY)

Wigs and fabric supports that are prescribed by hospital consultants and are clinically necessary will be provided for free if at least one of the following apply:

  • Getting Universal Credit with monthly earnings less than £435
  • Getting income-related ESA, income support, income-based JSA or pension credit guarantee credit
  • Aged under 16
  • Aged under 19 and in full-time education
  • Getting child tax credit or working tax credit and named on a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • War pensioners on the Armed Forces Compensation scheme
  • An NHS hospital in-patient. 

Free NHS dental treatments are available to those who:

  • Receiving Universal Credit with monthly earnings less than £435
  • Receiving income-related ESA, income support, income-based JSA or pension credit guarantee credit
  • Aged under 18
  • Aged under 19 and in full-time education
  • Living in Wales and aged under 25 or over 60 or living in Scotland can receive free examinations only
  • Receiving child tax credit or working tax credit and named on a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • An NHS in-patient and the treatment is carried out by a hospital dentist
  • Pregnant or have had a baby in the past year
  • An outpatient of an NHS Hospital Dental Service.

Those receiving a war or service pension can claim money back for dental charges if the treatment is provided for their accepted disability.

Patients remain entitled to this free NHS dental treatment if they were eligible at the time treatment was arranged regardless of if their eligibility or circumstances change by then. 

Additionally, the minor ailments scheme run by some pharmacies enables patients to get certain medication without needing to contact their doctor.

Anyone who has a valid HC2 certificate under the Low Income Scheme can receive free eyesight tests, wigs and fabric supports while those with HC3 certificates can get partial help with the costs. 

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