NHS tool will tell you if you could get free prescriptions in minutes

AN NHS tool could provide the solution for worried Britons who are concerned about whether or not they can secure a free prescription - and in just three minutes.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

National Insurance rise will ‘support’ NHS says Coffey

While over-60s fear their free prescriptions being taken away, other necessary medical items and services threaten to push some household budgets over the edge. However, taking this short three minute questionnaire can reveal all the different types of assistance, discounts, exemptions or accommodations available for one to use due to their circumstances.

Some of the more expensive, but no less necessary, NHS charges include:

  • NHS prescriptions
  • NHS dental check-ups and treatment
  • Sight tests
  • New glasses or contact lenses
  • Repairing or replacing glasses or contact lenses
  • NHS wigs
  • NHS fabric supports
  • Travel for NHS treatment.

NHS online tool

Anyone can use the online tool to see if they are missing out on potential freebies and discounts (Image: GETTY)

While the majority of NHS services and items are free, some can be incredibly costly for those already struggling with the cost of living crisis. 

Aside from the free NHS prescriptions and mainstream benefits from the DWP, there are a variety of ways to get discounts, concessions and refunds on these costs. 

Whether one is eligible for these, and how they should best apply for them, mainly depends on their individual circumstances. 

The NHS tool allows users to input only necessary information needed to understand their circumstances such as: where their doctor or dentist is located, their age, if they live with a partner and whether they have certain lifelong conditions that require constant treatment. 


Doctor writing on a clipboard

Certain groups can get a refund of their travel costs to receive NHS treatment (Image: GETTY)

Some of these conditions include:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer and currently undergoing treatment
  • Epilepsy
  • Continuing physical disability
  • A permanent fistula which requires surgical dressing or appliance
  • Hypopituitarism
  • Myxoedema
  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Hypoadrenalism
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Glaucoma.

These conditions will generally receive free or discounted treatment or other benefits. 

Additionally, pregnant women can receive weekly payouts from their 10 week mark until their child is four to help pay for healthy food and milk through the Healthy Start scheme.

Another option for help paying for NHS items and services is the NHS Low Income Scheme.

The amount one receives, and whether it is simply a discount, refund or entirely free of charge, will depend on how one’s income weighs up against their outgoings. 

Britons are only eligible for this scheme if they have less than:

  • £16,000 in savings, investments or property not including the place they currently live
  • £23,250 in savings, investments or property if they live permanently in a care home.

There is also a new trial service being offered for the Low Income Scheme where the following parties can apply online if they do not have capital or savings over £6,000:

  • Pensioners
  • Students
  • Those earning a wage
  • Receiving state benefits
  • Living in a care home.

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