Money saving tips: How Britons could save over £6,000 with the 'fiver savings challenge'

AS THE cost of living crisis continues, many households fear having to put their savings at risk to stay afloat but a simple savings challenge could help them save thousands without even noticing.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Martin Lewis lays out the best savings deals available

An estimated 28 percent of UK households are saving more because of the pandemic, but as prices go up and interest rates stay down, some fear they won’t be able to continue this trend. However, this weekly savings challenge can help households put away £6,890 by the end of 2022.

The cost of living crunch is expected to hit its peak in April 2022, where tax hikes, energy price increases and much more is expected to pound the pockets of households across the UK. 

During the beginning of the pandemic, with lockdowns starting and stopping, many found themselves saving money by simply being told to stay home. 

While this was not true for everyone, and those whose income was impacted by the pandemic found it harder to save than usual, everyone noticed the value in having an emergency fund or savings nest egg to rely on. 

Despite this, it is still estimated that one in five Britons over the age of 55 have less than £1,000 in savings.

Woman smiling with money in her hands

The 52 week savings challenge can also be done in reverse (Image: GETTY)

Those that do save, generally have an average savings of £9,633 according to a survey conducted by Raisin UK. 

However, a simple and enjoyable savings challenge could see Brits putting away over £6,000 by the end of this expensive year. 

The fiver challenge creates a weekly savings goal, which is more manageable than daily savings for many households. 

In the first week of the challenge, savers must put away just £5 into their savings, and this sum then increases by £5 every week.


Piggy banks surrounded by coins

Another fiver savings challenge involves savers putting away every £5 note they come across (Image: GETTY)

As the challenge continues, the weekly savings increases with week 52 having savers put away £260. 

While it may seem like an extravagant amount to save in a single week, by gradually working their way up to this amount savers are less likely to feel the impact on their daily spending. 

In total, by the end of week 52, savers will have amassed an incredible £6,890. 

The end savings amount is based off of sticking to this challenge for all 52 weeks of the year, although savers can stop and start whenever they like. 

Essentially, savers will be putting the following sums into their savings in the following weeks:

  • Week one save £5 - total savings: £5
  • Week two save £10 - total savings: £15
  • Week three save £15 - total savings: £30
  • Week four save £20 - total savings: £50
  • Week five save £25 - total savings: £75
  • Week six save £30 - total savings: £105

Savers who manage to stick through all 52 weeks will find a comfortable nest egg at the end of the challenge, although even just doing this challenge for just half a year will see savers £1,755 better off. 

For those who feel like their savings habits are in need of a bigger challenge, the reverse is also an option. 

This starts with savers putting away £260 in the first week, then £255 in the second and so on until the final week they only have to save £5. 

The reverse method could be ideal for bigger households and families as it will see them only needing to save £5 during the expensive holiday season instead of £260. 

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