Free bus pass divides Britons as entitlement could be axed - should it be means-tested?

BRITONS are torn over the potential axing of the free bus pass for over 60s with some saying it should be removed, while others are concerned for their livelihoods.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Retirement expert advises people to learn about state pensions

The Government is seeking to make changes to the state pension age which will affect all benefits tied into it, including free bus passes. While some Britons have noted that the change does follow the science in terms of increasing life expectancy and funding needs, others have called for it to be changed to a means-tested benefit completely.

The proposed change would see the free bus pass eligibility age increased by a year, from 66 to 67, in England while Scotland and Wales continue to receive their free travel from the age of 60.

readers seemed torn in opinion on whether the uplifting of the state pension age and, as a result, the free bus pass age was a sensible thing to do. 

Reader Tabitha shared they believed “this was inevitable” and questioned what might be next on the chopping block.

They added: “Prescriptions first now this - what next? who knows - They don't like the fact that we have an ageing population and that many middle aged people are quite sickly or not that healthy. Basically many people are costing too much money and they want to put an end to it.”

Elderly man looking disgruntled

The increase of the state pension age has sparked controversy across the nation (Image: GETTY)

Petchap6 noted: "Our buses would not be able to afford to run the buses if it wasn't for the subsidy given to pensioners. I use the buses a lot and if it wasn't for the pensioners the buses would be practically empty.”

Reader Redvanman from Merseyside shared that despite being eligible for free train and bus travel he has not applied for it. 

He noted he is still working and did not want to get something he could afford for free, and said: “So why should I, who can afford to pay for public transport, get it for free when young families or workers earning less than me have to pay, it’s ludicrous it should be means tested.

“Surely in this electronic age your NI number showing your earnings can be linked to these applications and if you are receiving over a certain amount you have to pay.”


Elderly woman sitting on a bus

Some understand the decision to increase the state pension age while others disagree (Image: GETTY)

In essence, one’s eligibility for any type of means-tested benefits as well as the amount they receive usually depends on individual criteria such as how much they have in savings or their income. 

Using this idea would likely see low-income households accessing free bus passes while those with a certain amount of savings or retirement income could end up paying for travel until they die. 

Reader Contax139 responded to this idea saying: “Means testing is very unfair like the GPC, those who never contributed or wasted their money drain from those wo contributed and saved for old age. 

“Some expect to live their entire live their entire lives on benefits and freebies while others work to pay for them.”

Alongside ideas such as this, many readers also came forward with personal stories showcasing just how this change would affect older Britons.

Reader Bodder shared: “It's already happening my husband was 60 in November worked all his life from 18 and was told to check on to see if he qualifies for a free bus pass and he doesn't until 67 now we will keep our car another seven years which isn't good for the environment.”

Whereas Corrigenda shared an opposing viewpoint, and said: “At the time my father retired, men finally became eligible for their State pension only some two or three years before statistics suggested that they would most probably die. He duly obliged.

"Since then the position has dramatically changed and it is not surprising that the costs to all who are in work (because it is they who pay for today's state pension) is enormous. It is essential that the pension age for both men and women is regularly readjusted to ensure that such an important benefit to older people reflects the increasing life span of everyone and not an increasing cause of a salary/take home pay reduction for those who are the real contributors.”

However, a rebuttal was provided by Gameplayer, who wrote: “What about the people who have worked for the last 40-50years and paid contributions all their working lives, Do you not think they deserve help in their old age? Pushing retirement age further up while a lot of younger ones are wanting jobs that could be freed up.

"Not everyone lives to a ripe old age and what happens to those who work in manual jobs not physically capable of continuing that job at nearly 70. Once again t***ers with money who don't have to worry about things like that making the decisions!”

The state pension age naturally increases as does normal life expectancy in the UK and it is expected to rise to 68 by the year 2048. 

These continual raises will not just affect the state pension itself but all of the other benefits that have “state pension age” as their eligibility criteria.

This includes:

  • Winter Fuel Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Free NHS prescriptions 
  • Free TV licences
  • Free bus passes

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