Martin Lewis shares urgent update on National Insurance - 'you may be paying too much tax'

MARTIN LEWIS has noted a simple mistake, which could see employees paying too much tax on top of the National Insurance rise due in April.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Martin Lewis discusses the National Insurance increase

Mr Lewis shared on ITV last night during the Martin Lewis Money Show that millions of employees may be operating under the new tax code. National Insurance for employees and the self-employed is due to temporarily increase and will be followed by a new pensioner levy.

NI is due to increase to help cover the heightened health and social care cost incurred during the pandemic. 

The increase of 1.25 percent will see Class A contributions rising to a total 13.25 percent with the average worker paying roughly £255 in extra taxes for the year. 

Government guidance notes that this increase should be temporary, with NI rates dropping back to 2021 levels in April 2023. 

However, the resulting missing 1.25 percent will then be paid by workers over the state pension age who, up until this point, would not have otherwise had to pay NI contributions at all.

Martin Lewis on the Martin Lewis Money Show

Martin Lewis shared insights on the energy price cap, immanent EU roaming charges and the NI rise (Image: GETTY)

This news was announced amidst the start of energy supplier collapses and the cost of living crisis currently spreading throughout the UK.

The Martin Lewis Money Show has been receiving unprecedented amounts of queries relating specifically to the energy price rises, with many asking how to make ends meet. 

During his show, Mr Lewis clearly showcased how disgruntled he was at not being able to offer clear advice to his viewers on these topics. 

As he continued to explain the NI increase, a disheartened Mr Lewis exclaimed: “I can’t do anything about that one.”


Martin Lewis on the Martin Lewis Money Show

Mr Lewis noted that while the rise can't be avoided, employees should check their tax codes (Image: GETTY)

However, he did note one vital warning for employees: “Do check your tax code if you’re an employee. 

“Millions are wrong, you may be paying too much tax on the back of that.”

The amount of National Insurance contributions one pays with every pay check largely differs depending on their income and tax code.

As a result, having the wrong tax code can see millions overpaying NI yet few know what tax code they actually fall into.

As it stands, the current categories are:

  • A - All employees that don’t fall into categories B, C, J, H, M and Z
  • B - Married women and widows entitled to pay reduced National Insurance
  • C - Employees over the state pension age
  • J - Employees deferring National Insurance as they already pay it through another job
  • H - Apprentice under the age of 25
  • M - Employees under the age of 21
  • Z - Employees under the age of 21 who can defer National Insurance as they already pay it through another job
  • X - Employees who do not have to pay National Insurance because, for example, they are under the age of 16

Currently, no National Insurance contributions are mandatory for those who:

  • Receive a monthly income below £797 per month
  • Fall under category C

Those in categories A, H and M earning between £797.01 and £4,189 per month pay 12 percent NI. 

Individuals earning this same amount in category B will only pay 5.85 percent NI. 

This is why it is vital for employees to ensure they are classed under the correct tax code as it could greatly differ the amount of NI they pay. 

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