DWP shares top tips for boosting your state pension - exclusive guide

THE DEPARTMENT for Work and Pensions (DWP) has compiled a number of tips for people retiring in 2022, as well as explaining how to boost the state pension in retirement.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

State pension: Expert on difference between ‘old’ and ‘new’

Between the state pension, private pension and the array of benefits available to retirees, it can be overwhelming to remember just what needs to be done when entering retirement. Shared exclusively with Express.co.uk, the DWP has compiled a guide on everything soon-to-be retirees should know in 2022.

The UK basic state pension has increased by £2,050 since 2011 and provisions such as free bus passes, free prescriptions and Winter Fuel Payments can now all be compiled in one’ retirement income.

However, forgetting to claim, not knowing when to apply or not knowing that one is eligible at all can slice away at the range of benefits on offer for retirees. 

While it may appear overwhelming to keep all of them in mind, here’s the complete list of most popular queries the DWP is asked about retirement - as well as the answers to each of them.

When can I get my state pension?

The current state pension age is 66 for both men and women and must be claimed. 

Retired man relaxing

Retirees should ensure they have claimed all that is necessary and if they are eligible for more (Image: GETTY)

If one wants to defer their pension even though they are of state pension age then they do not have to do anything. 

Not actively claiming one’s state pension will automatically defer it until they claim. 

Roughly two months before reaching state pension age, soon-to-be retirees can expect a letter from the DWP explaining how to claim or defer their pension.  

The current full new state pension is £179.60 per week but is due to increase by 3.1 percent in April 2022. 


Britons can also use the online state pension forecast tool to estimate how much they will receive from state pension.   

Can I increase the amount I’ll get?

Due to the qualifying years requirement, some people may find themselves receiving less than what they wanted. 

However, filling any National Insurance gaps on one’s record, or topping them up to achieve the next level of state pension, can be done through voluntary contributions.

Retired woman smiling in her car

Making voluntary NI contributions can up one's state pension income (Image: GETTY)

For those who are eligible, claiming National Insurance credits can also fill these gaps.  

Is there any additional support I could be entitled to?

Those over state pension age and on a low income can be entitled to Pension Credit, which offers extra money to help pensioners cover their living, housing or service costs. 

Those on a low income may also be eligible for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction and anyone over the state pension age can receive between £100 and £300 for heating bills through the Winter Fuel Payment. 

What help is out there to help me understand my retirement options? 

Free and impartial pensions and retirement guidance is available online or over the phone from MoneyHelper, a service provided by the Money & Pensions Service and funded by the Government.

The Minister for Pensions, Guy Opperman, commented: “Providing people with the information and tools they need to make informed choices about their financial futures is one of my top priorities.

“And it’s never too early to start planning for the financial future you want, so start the new year off right and make sure getting to grips with your pension is at the top of your To Do List in 2022.”

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