Energy crisis update: Latest firm to collapse and how to keep warm for less this winter

ZOG ENERGY is the latest in a slurry of energy firms to collapse amid the gas price crisis. Now finance experts share how you can stay warm for much less this winter.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Energy crisis: Martin Lewis says there are no cheap deals left

The ongoing surge in prices has seen roughly 40 suppliers go bust, leaving millions confused in the this winter. Ocean Finance shares seven easy ways to keep the heat up and costs down amid the crisis.

Following Zog Energy’s closure this week, Ofgem has reported that it will appoint a new supplier for the firm’s customers. 

The BBC has reported that nearly four million households have seen their energy suppliers disappear during the pandemic. 

Empty-handed households will continue to receive gas or electricity if their supplier goes bust and customers have been told to wait until a new supplier has been appointed before looking to switch elsewhere. 

They are also advised to take a meter reading, check their balance and download bills now to ease the transition to the new company after it has been appointed.

Old woman wrapped in blankets and jackets

The closure or roughly 40 energy companies has left millions unsure of how to keep warm this winter (Image: GETTY)

The effect of the gas price surge is starting to hit the hearts and minds of consumers as they worry for the future of other energy companies. 

The biggest casualty of this crisis has been Bulb Energy, whose customer load of 1.7 million was deemed too large for Ofgem to transition to another company. 

Instead, the UK Government provided the supplier with £1,000 per customer to continue supplying energy.

But what is there to do for households who fear their personal energy prices growing to unaffordable levels?


Ocean Finance shared seven budget-friendly ways to prevent heat loss in the home. 

Rearrange the furniture

Moving any furniture that blocks or covers a radiator and moving larger pieces away from heat sources will help improve heat flow in one’s entire house. 

Draught proof windows 

Draught tape can be purchased on Amazon and is a highly recommended tool for blocking drafts created by windows. 

Couple sitting on a couch with a blanket

Rearranging the furniture can go a long way in keeping heat flowing around one's home (Image: GETTY)

During chilly, windy months, any heat created in a home will be sucked out through any gaps or cracks that create drafts, so by eliminating these one can keep their home warmer for longer without having the heating on. 

If this type of investment isn’t on the card then a simple hoodie or old blanket can also fit the bill. 

Put foil behind the radiators

Radiator reflector foil is a specialist type of foil that essentially bounces heat around the room. 

Placing these behind a radiator can help one make the most of their heating and can also work by insulating walls and windows. 

Thick curtains

Thick curtains provide more insulation around the coldest part of the house, but can also soak up much needed heat from the room it’s in.

Hot water bottles

Hot water bottles are a cost-effective way of staying warm for short periods of time and can be especially useful for helping one keep warm at night instead of turning on the heating just before bed. 

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