Can you afford to retire early? Five ways to get your financial independence

RETIRING early is a dream for many, but can you actually afford for it to be a reality? Five things you should do to get your financial independence if you want to retire early.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Pension: Expert gives advice on preparing for retirement

Whether you want to retire at 45 or 62, retiring early requires a good understanding of one’s finances and, more importantly, a good financial situation. These are the five things to look at when deciding if you can retire early and how to improve each one of them to gain your financial independence.

Early retirement doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up work entirely, it’s simply a financial and mental state wherein work is something you can choose to do instead of being forced to do it. 

With that in mind, it’s easy to see why having a good financial backing is so important, and this is compounded by the fact that using your pension earlier means getting paid less in order to make it last longer. 

This is the simple reason many decide to work past retirement age: to build up retirement savings and add to their pension pots for as long as possible. 

To retire early it is recommended that you be financially independent, meaning that if any and all income is stopped you will have enough money to avoid being evicted. 

But, having a seven-figure retirement fund is not the only way to afford financial independence and an early retirement, there are five other indicators that can tell you whether you can afford it. 

Retire in five years infographic

Retiring early may not be as unrealistic as it seems (Image: GETTY)

The FIRE, or Financial Independence, Retire Early movement, looks to help people achieve just that through a series of lifestyle changes, and five of their top tips for early retirement are:  

No mortgage

A mortgage is one of the biggest, and most long-term, financial commitments one makes in life, so paying it off as soon as possible can be hugely beneficial for your financial stability. 

Not having this costly bill can see monthly outgoings decrease and increase disposable income which can be used to save or invest for retirement. 

This option, however, is not always available to everyone and if overpaying a mortgage you must consider any early repayment charges as well. 


No debt

Having financial independence doesn’t necessarily mean you’re financial history must be spotless.

Taking out loans and using credit cards has become a part of daily life for millions of people, and while it’s not an ideal situation, the key to financial stability is clearing all debt. 

Paying off loans and credit cards should be a monthly priority, as much as paying your rent, even if you’re just able to pay off the minimum required. 

This will help you avoid penalty fees and harming your credit score, which indirectly helps you get out of debt faster.

Guaranteed retirement income

Going into early retirement is not recommended if you don’t have a guaranteed income for the small, daily expenses. 

Retired couple travelling

Having a guaranteed retirement income, emergency savings and other investments is ideal (Image: GETTY)

This will generally be a pension pot wherein contributing as much as possible as early as possible in one’s career will leave them in the best possible standing to retire early. 

However, having a small pension pot doesn’t necessarily mean that early retirement is completely out of the question.

Simply consider your overall financial situation, taking into account savings, investments and any other passive income you may have such as renting a room in your house. 

If these are enough to cover daily expenses in retirement then retiring early could still be a possibility. 

It’s also vital to note that the earliest age anyone can access their state pension is 66, and this is expected to rise consistently as time goes on.

So, someone retiring next year at the age of 58, while only eight years away from the current retirement age, should actually budget to only get access to their pensions by the time they turn 68. 

Emergency savings

Having emergency savings, as Covid showcased, should be a non-negotiable for households in general. 

Going into an early retirement increases their importance as you won’t have the option to ask for a salary advance should there be any expensive emergencies. 

Other investments

With daily expenses covered by your pension and an emergency fund fully-stocked, the next aspect to look at when deciding where to put your money should be other passive income streams. 

Too often people put all of their retirement savings into a single pot, as it is the easiest option. 

However, splitting your funds into multiple retirement investments can compound the amount of passive income available to you in early retirement. 

These extra investments and savings can be used for the luxuries that everyone looks forward to in retirement: holidays, hobbies and enjoying life to the fullest. 

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