Do you want a wealthy retirement? These 4 strategies could be the key

RETIRING happy means having minimum £366,000 in retirement savings according to experts, but how can Britons reach this magic number?

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Money may not always equal happiness but in terms of retirement savings it can definitely provide some positivity. Author of ‘What the Happiest Retirees Know’, Wes Moss, said his research shows happiness in retirement starts at £366,000. While it’s great to have this goal in mind, many simply don’t know how to get there, but these four strategies could be the key to happiness both now and in retirement.

Paying down mortgage

With relatively low interest rates in a stable market, paying off a mortgage isn’t as high of a priority as it used to be. 

However,  Mr Moss noted that those who payed off their mortgage within five years of retirement were four times more likely to be happy.

He noted that the psychological effects of having a mortgage is a more powerful motivator than the financial effects.

Retired couple on holiday in Europe

As one grows older, what gives them happiness changes but seldom do their spending habits coincide (Image: GETTY)

By sending in more than the monthly amount due, or making extra payments, homeowners can shear years off their loan’s longevity.

Save now

For those retiring in the near future it can be nerve-wracking to sit and think they don’t have enough savings. 

However that’s no reason to stop saving, as not only does saving provide your future self with happiness through the financial safety cushion, but the actual act of saving money can also induce happiness.


The overwhelming emotions that come with saving can often be due to the fact that people are saving for incredibly large goals, such as retirement. 

By breaking these goals down into smaller, more doable, steps it becomes a far easier task.

Multiple income streams

It has often been said a person can’t get rich by getting all of their income through one channel, and psychologically Mr Moss noted three cheques make someone feel happier than only receiving one, even if the total amount is the same.

Two retired women driving in a convertible car

A happy retirement begins with £366,000 in savings according to Mr Moss (Image: GETTY)

This also doesn’t have to be incredibly difficult, as once a person has a primary income, any other lucrative opportunity they take on is entirely optional.

Meaning people can partake in part-time jobs, side hustles or create their own businesses in an industry they enjoy or even turn their favourite pastimes into profit. 

Investment income is often the most popular and many decide to invest in additional accounts or portfolios to diversify their incomings. 

Additionally, renting out a property or item such as a car can be incredibly profitable especially if the item is entirely paid off already as revenue will be entirely profit.  

Watch the spending

‘Retail therapy’ can provide a good, short-term happiness fix, but ultimately many of the items people buy on impulse don't actually contribute to their life satisfaction, according to wealth management professor Michael Finke.

According to his research, what made retirees happiest was not a brand new car or extravagant holiday, but rather socialising.

While buying an extravagant home is a goal many set in their 20s, it is often not looked upon with the same excitement when they reach their 70s - which is why watching and reducing what you are spending large sums of money on while young can pay off, and allow you to instead use the money for things you truly enjoy later in life.

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