Pensions and retirement: Easy ways to boost your retirement income by £7,500 per year

WHETHER one is planning for retirement or already making withdrawals from their pension nest egg, it pays to have ways to boost retirement income.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Pension: Expert discusses state pension tax

Retirement income has surged since 2001, with Resolution Foundation highlighting that pensioner households lived on £70 less every week 20 years ago. Yet many are still looking to add even more into their pension pots and Which? shared the easiest ways to do so before and during retirement.

Before retirement

Company pension schemes

As an employee it can be incredibly beneficial to sign up for a company pension scheme by getting tax relief and additional contributions from one’s employer.

Essentially creating "free cash", Which? suggested contributing to the maximum of these pension schemes when possible, especially if the employer matches employee contributions.

Cut pension charges

When involved in a company pension scheme it is vital to transfer pensions when changing jobs, a task many people forget or choose not to do.

Pocket watch lying on coins

Having enough pension income in time for retirement is a big worry for many people (Image: GETTY)

If one doesn’t transfer their pension pots, they’re often left with a trail of small sums and are unsure of how much they actually have invested and whether the charges they’ve paid are reasonable.

At the start of retirement

One of the most important times to set spending, saving and withdrawal strategies is at the start of one’s retirement, so boosting retirement income here can be incredibly beneficial.

Defer state pension when possible

If one qualifies to receive state pension, but doesn’t need the money at the start of their retirement, deferring it to a later date can boost their pension pot the longer they wait to claim it.

This is also incredibly easy as the UK government immediately assumes state pension is being deferred if it is not claimed.  


Which? explained that by doing this, one can boost their state pension by one percent each week for every nine weeks they defer it, which is the equivalent of 5.8 percent per year.

Options for generating retirement income

There are a multitude of options available for generating retirement income, such as annuities, income drawdowns or tax-free lump sum. Ensuring one chooses the option that will best fit their lifestyle needs and retirement goals can boost their retirement income.

Enhanced annuity

If a retiree has health issues they may qualify for a potential 50 percent rise in their annuity income, as insurers set their annuity rate based on how long they believe a retiree will live; having medical issues that impact one’s life expectancy can see them being offered a better rate.

Woman calculating at a table

By generating extra tax-free income during retirement one can extend their pension pots (Image: GETTY)

Check for guaranteed rates

Pension policies sold before the 2000s contained clauses that guaranteed minimum annuity rates of 10 percent or more.

It is advised for those that took out pensions in the 1990s or earlier to check the fine print of their policies for this potential golden ticket to a comfortable retirement.

In retirement

Lodging and renting

The rent-a-room scheme can see homeowners earning up to £7,500 every year completely tax free by letting out an empty room in their home.

Renters can also take their share of this opportunity by subletting a property so long as they have their landlord’s permission.

Renting out other assets, such as parking spaces in busy cities, can be one of the easiest passive incomes for retirees and they can earn up to £1,000 tax-free.

Online business

Another income covered by the personal tax allowance is online trading where retirees can earn £1,000 tax-free.

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