Man, 39, recalls going from 'no salary' to creating £100million business

MORTEN PETERSEN, 39, left Google to co-found a new platform for freelancers and remote working employees, now seeing a revenue of over £100million.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Entrepreneur Holly Tucker recalls ‘risking it all’

Worksome is one of the world’s most trusted freelance, contractor and external workforce management platforms, and has seen profits soar amid a transforming working world during COVID-19. The co-founder shared exclusively with what freelancers should know and how to get the best out of an external workforce.  

Mr Petersen shared: “We co-founded Worksome in 2017 with the intention of transforming the world of work to enable people to do what they love. 

“Back then, I was working at Google and flexible working was already gaining critical mass in the global workforce. But, it was complex due to the heavy loads of admin involved in working with contractors.”

This is where the idea for Worksome first sparked: “We noticed that the technology in HR was just not built for working with freelancers. There were digital solutions for working with employees, for vendors and for suppliers, but not for freelancers.

“This created a lot of friction, and as such, companies were finding it difficult to hire and onboard contractors.”

Worksome was set up to digitally transform these practice and recruitment procedures by taking away the unnecessary bureaucracy involved in contracts, visas and paperwork. 

Morten Petersen

Morten Petersen started Worksome in 2017 after leaving a well-paying position at Google (Image: Morten Petersen)

“This is why we set up Worksome - to digitally transform the recruitment practices involved in working with freelancers, and to take away all of the challenging bureaucracy related to contracts, visas and paperwork.” 

Mr Petersen noted that being an entrepreneur has enabled him to work towards his passion instead of just a simple target, and for that he was more than willing to take a pay cut: “I left a well paid job at Google to start Worksome, and for the first couple of years I wasn’t earning a salary. Even now, I am making substantially less than I was at Google and whilst I could easily double my salary, we’d rather invest in the company and put the money towards hiring two more people, for example.” 

He added: “I think that is the truth of entrepreneurial success. It’s always a risk in the short term, and even when the business is doing as well and growing as quickly as Worksome, you are always thinking of how best to re-invest the money for the company’s benefit.”

These ideals have seen Worksome profiting greatly and growing even bigger, gaining an investment round of $13million (£9.5million) earlier this year on top of a $6million (£4.4million) in angle and see investing.

Currently, Worksome is reaching an incredible $100million (£73million) in revenue each year, more than doubling the size of their team in the last 12 months and planning to do this again by 2023.


Mr Petersen added: “I think that the reason that we have been so successful is that we set out to fix something that we knew was a problem, and we did it well. 

“We wanted to make all of the complicated processes around working with freelancers seamless - from taxation to compliance and insurance. We weren’t the first to try and do this, but those who did in the past failed because they didn’t actually solve the problem. 

“So, we decided not to shy away from the technicalities that make properly resolving these issues complex - we integrated an IR35 solution into our system and integrated background checks. 

“That way, we actually provided a comprehensive solution to the problem that we set out to fix. There were also various other factors; perhaps good timing, and the amazing talent that we have hired along the way, but ultimately, it was taking the bold decision to dive into the difficult stuff that has led to our success.”

Mr Petersen also noted that Worksome’s success during the Covid pandemic was not just because of the push to remote working, but also the ability for people to sit back and think about their career trajectory and whether it aligned with where they wanted to be in life. 

Freelancer infographic

Freelancing requires filling all the roles within a larger company with only one person (Image: GETTY)

“We’ve seen with the ‘great resignation’ that Covid has been a period of great upheaval for workers and many have decided that they want to go freelance to have more control over how and when they work.

“That’s why the number of freelancers working through Worksome has grown 20x since the first lockdown, and why many of the companies that we work with are spending twice as much on freelance talent as they were at the same time last year. 

“Freelancing makes it easier for people to wake up in the morning and think, what do I want to work on today?  We know that the next generation of workers, Generation Z, is less motivated by salary and more by a good work-life balance and a purposeful job.”

The ability to have flexible, unlimited income is enough for many to make the switch, with 74 percent of freelancer finding themselves happier after doing so according to Worksome’s research.

Mr Petersen said: “Work has become much more flexible and people tend not to stay in the same job for as long.  The average job length in the UK is just 18 months for a permanent job and 13 months for a freelancer.”

He also added some pivotal tips for freelancers: “I think that the admin involved in freelancing is often overlooked. Both for the freelancers themselves and for employers, freelancing can involve a lot of legislation and paperwork. This is particularly true with the changes to IR35 in the UK, and worker classification in the US. 

“However, freelancing also brings a whole host of benefits. It provides businesses with the flexibility to hire based on specialist skills for project-based work, and the ability for workers to take back control of from where, on what and for whom they work. 

“This disparity is why we do what we do. We cannot let these complexities get in the way of a better world of work, that allows both workers and companies to work more flexibly, comfortably and productively.”

Mr Petersen advised that any entrepreneur looking to follow his success should “just go for it”, saying that: “Ultimately, lots of people have great ideas but that means nothing if they are not willing to pursue them. Most start-ups actually fail before they have even been established, simply because people were too scared to take the risk. 

“There is no secret recipe for success; the only thing that you can do is believe in what you’re doing, pour your heart and soul into it and just go for it.”

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