Gaming veteran set to change trading through VR with revolutionary 'new concept'

BAFTA nominated gaming industry veteran and experienced entrepreneur, Gary Bracey, watched videogames move from TV consoles to mobile phones and is now exploring the virtual reality space but not for gaming: for NFT and collectibles trading.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Mr Bracey co-founded and self-funded the new venture Terra Virtua, aiming to bring NFTs to the mainstream and has now raised incredible investments based on its nine figure valuations. He shared what it was like to explore what was an almost untouched industry and what the future might hold for the trading and gaming industry as technology develops limitlessly.

Mr Bracey has been through many roles in the gaming industry where he has over three decades of experience, from being the head of development at Ocean Software to founding Digimask in the early 2000s, and watching the gaming world evolve beyond everyone’s wildest imaginations he put his knowledge to the test.

Terra Virtua is the first company of its kind, providing a fully immersive digital collectables platform and a social experience, revolutionising how people see and experience digital tokens like NFTs and creating a ‘fanbase’ for collectors across the world.

Launched in 2016, along with Jawad Ashraf who is now president of the company, Mr Bracey looked to create the next level of NFT trading as a form of entertainment rather than just collectables.

“I’ve always been interested in new technology businesses and have been lucky that my career has followed that path; starting right at the beginning of the video games industry to where I am today with Terra Virtua,” Mr Bracey commented.

“In fact, when I started in gaming there was universal uncertainty regarding the longevity of the sector. But it was a very exciting time, we were at the forefront of the technology and were creating the templates that would shape the industry for years to come.”

Terra Virtua NFTs

Terra Virtua has created a digital platform where traders can socialise and collect NFTs (Image: Gary Bracey)

He continued: “But most importantly, it gave me enormous experience that I have nurtured throughout my career. That experience sparked an interest in starting businesses in innovative technology sectors.”

Mr Bracey explained that the technology sector was pioneering in its best form, which is why it attracted him so much: “There are no precedents and no set rules – you trust your instincts and common sense to help decide the best approach for the various challenges.

“Fast forward a few years, when Jawad, Terra Virtua’s co-founder, initially approached me to consult for his new VR games company, we began brainstorming and came up with a great idea for a new way for the market to consume content. The original concept for our business was a metaverse for entertainment.”

At this time, virtual reality was expected to quickly take over the gaming industry but it is still not the mainstream option for gamers or even tech enthusiasts with most sticking to consoles or PC.


“Unfortunately, the adoption of VR was a disappointment, but we had already identified an opportunity within the blockchain space which would allow us, with some modification, to adapt our original plan to work with NFTs.

“We reassessed our plan and pivoted Terra Virtua’s core premise, transforming it into the platform that it is today; an entertainment marketplace and platform specifically based around the engagement and utility of digital collectables,” Mr Bracey added.

Forming a business in a relatively unexplored field required a fair amount of adaptability and the founding pair encountered obstacles no one could have prepared them for.

“When setting up Terra Virtua, there was little interest from UK investors as they had no knowledge or confidence in the NFT market. As it was a business in its infancy – this was back in 2017 – there was very little data to demonstrate the capability and potential of what NFTs could offer, making it harder for them to believe in the concept. However, we secured seed funding from friends, family and the community who believed in us and our vision to create a whole new entertainment form.

Terra Virtua logo

Virtual reality was first invented in 1965 as the 'ultimate display' to simulate flight training (Image: Gary Bracey)

“The next big hurdle to overcome was technological; developing for something that fresh and ground-breaking is not conducive to formulating an accurate development timetable.

“We also had to ensure that we gave ourselves extra leeway on timings and launching a Beta testing phase helped us fix and tweak the platform as needed.”

Mr Bracey also shared some pivotal advice he has picked up from his experience as an entrepreneur: “Looking back at Terra Virtua’s journey, there are two key takeaways that I would impart to anyone looking to set up a new company: if you can, find a partner to start your business with and listen to your end user.

“If you are able to, find a co-founder to collaborate with you on the journey ahead- building something from scratch is a lot of responsibility and having someone to support you, to challenge you, and sanity-check every step of the way has been key to the evolution of Terra Virtua.

“Likewise, it is critical to listen to your customers; they are the ones who will ultimately be using your product, so their feedback is key to your success. When creating Terra Virtua, we practised what we preached – and for the last year we have heeded all the feedback from our users during the Beta testing phase and have tailored our platform in line with what they wanted to see; we are proud to soon be launching what we have coined as Terra Virtua 2.0, which is a bigger and better digital platform, with the user-experience at heart.”

It's this connection to their users that has powered Terra Virtua into an industry leading company.

“Thanks to feedback, we are now on a mission to turbo-charge fandom – from art to sports, music to movies, games to comics – with the world’s first fully immersive platform for buying, sharing, trading, exhibiting, and interacting with NFT digital collectables.

 “As the world has started shifting to the digital realm – from working, to shopping, entertaining and connecting with friends and family – this era is the true birth of that long-awaited ‘metaverse’ concept. We certainly hope that Terra Virtua will be one of the cornerstones for that,” he concluded.

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