‘Obsession with politeness’ stops Brits getting rich, US millionaire argues

AMERICAN millionaire shares that it's politeness holding Britons back from making their millions: "Brits are too scared to say what they want, getting rich requires pro-activity and blunt honesty."

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Fraser Nelson: Second referendum is backed by wealthy elites

In the face of NI hikes, universal credit cuts and a turbulent economy following COVID-19, more and more of the UK’s population are fearing poverty becoming their reality. Whilst some scramble to find other income streams and stay afloat, others have given up on the seemingly futile dream of ever getting financial freedom let alone becoming reach.

“I believe that over 90 percent of poor people could be wealthy if they weren't so lazy. They've only got themselves to blame,” commented Derek Moneyberg on the current economic climate for individuals living in the UK.

Mr Moneyberg, 42, is a world-renowned wealth and business coach with an astounding net worth of $35million (£25million) but despite his now lavish lifestyle, he was actually brought up in poverty himself.

Born in Illinois to a similarly entrepreneurial father, Mr Moneyberg’s family had a lot of money until his father was sent to jail, at which point their cars, houses and assets were all seized by the Government.

Mr Moneyberg himself would also spend time in jail at the age of 17, a setback which he used to pivot his life in a better direction. Taking the time to educate himself on business, economics and wealth-building.

Tea cups

One can't get what they don't ask for, but is blatant honestly truly the key to making money? (Image: GETTY)

Since then Mr Moneyberg has consulted numerous Fortune 500 executives on complex problems in their organisations and is currently following in the footsteps of Warren Buffett as he takes the investing world by storm.

Despite only starting his coaching brand in 2019 it quickly became the global premium for successful individuals, teaching them to transition from employees into entrepreneurs.

Throughout his life, Mr Moneyberg has been incredibly outspoken, and this proved true in an interview with Femail where he discussed what he believed to be the biggest cause of Britain lagging behind other rich countries.

“Money is a lifestyle choice. Most simply choose not to earn it,” he said.


Too many British people put being polite before making money and still expect to be rich.

“If you want to get rich, I suggest you ditch the etiquette and learn something worthwhile.”

The UK poverty rate, wherein poverty is defined as not having enough possessions or income to cover basic personal needs such as food, clothing and shelter, currently sits at 18 percent with America sitting a single percentage point lower.

While it may not seem like much as a percentage point, this translates to an estimated 13 million people living in poverty across the UK, with one in five people struggling to put food on their table.

Wage inequality infographic

Wage inequality is becoming a concern in the UK as education begins to further separate the classes (Image: GETTY)

Poverty generally runs in cycles, with few being able to catapult from poverty into middle-class, and even less moving from middle-class to upper-class, but is it really politeness that is curbing Britons from making the leap?

The non-profit organisation The Borgen Project has determined some of the main causes of poverty in the UK:


While it may seem contradictory in the face of such a low unemployment rate, a big problem is the large number of people that have work but are still in poverty due to limited income and low wages.


An estimated five million UK adults don’t have basic literacy and numeracy skills, with 12 million lacking any form of digital skills in a highly digitised employment environment.

Combined, these shortcomings in education are increasing the gap between the middle-class, majority of which have these skills or understand that they need to learn them in order to be employable, and those living in poverty.


The pandemic has showcased all the holes in the UK’s benefit system, and the subsequent benefit cuts that have occurred since the easing of lockdown has further exacerbated the situation for people relying on it to survive.


Inflation has pushed living costs up to a seemingly impossible record high, with property leading the way.

Simply finding affordable shelter to stay in during lockdown proved to be a difficult feat for many last year and as inflation doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon.

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