Nurse explains how she makes up to £500 from upcycled furniture which cost £20

UPCYCLING is one of the easiest ways to get some cash back on ordinary household items. With search results for upcycled furniture rising by 60 percent over the last year, it appears there is even more profit to be made. While it may seem almost too good to be true, there are some ideas which could mean big rewards for one's efforts.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

This Morning: Georgina Burnett shows top tips for 'upcycling'

Birmingham resident Anna pairs upcycling with her part-time nursing job and created her own business: Anna’s Art House in October 2020, upcycling furniture and only spending between £10 - £15 per item that she would then upcycle for healthy £100 profit. 

“Now, most pieces of furniture I buy are between £20-50 which I then can sell for £200 - £500, depending on the piece. As I work from home I have limited overheads, but I spend about £25 per piece on materials, and due to designing, preparing, and painting, each piece takes two weeks to complete.”

She continued: “I’m really lucky, as we have a local charity shop near us where people donate their unwanted furniture that would otherwise go to landfill, this is where I get the majority of my pieces.

“If I’m struggling to find what I need, I do occasionally use Facebook marketplace to find items but it can be a bit hit and miss as you don’t know exactly what you’re getting until it’s in your car!”

She also added some sound advice for anyone looking to start their own upcycling business venture: “If someone was looking to start upcycling furniture, I say just go for it! It’s much cheaper and better for the environment than buying new, and you can personalise it to your home.

“I’d also say, try not to worry about making it look too perfect, when I first started my business, I’d spend hours trying to perfect it but I think old pieces look their best when they’re a bit rugged and full of charm!”

Woman painting a chair

Around 3,000 Britons search 'upcycling' on Google every month (Image: GETTY)

Whether it be reupholstering a couch or giving some clothes a new lease of life, upcycling is quickly becoming one of the most lucrative side hustles with the least amount of effort and production cost. 

118 118 Money compiled the five most popular, and best-selling, upcycled items, what the production costs could be and the total profits earned.

Upcycled cupboards

Cupboards are one of the most sought-after pieces of upcycled furniture, especially as people begin to move around more and more will be moving house and needing the extra closet space.

118 118 Money estimated that the cost of upcycling cupboards, depending on the size, would be around £28 which includes sanding, priming, painting and varnishing.

Potential profit: £347

Upcycled tables

The profits and costs for this furniture piece is highly dependent on the size and intricacies of the table, as wooden tables with detailed carvings on the legs would require more attention but can fetch a lot more profits too.

Using the price of furniture/chalk paint, lining paper and varnishing, the cost of upcycling a table was estimated to be around £55.

Potential profit - £268


Upcycled tables

The profits and costs for this furniture piece is highly dependent on the size and intricacies of the table, as wooden tables with detailed carvings on the legs would require more attention but can fetch a lot more profits too.

Using the price of furniture/chalk paint, lining paper and varnishing, the cost of upcycling a table was estimated to be around £55.

Potential profit - £268

Upcycled Bags

Upcycled and restored bags can fetch a lot of cash depending what brand, style and era it is from. Some bags can appreciate in value over time by as much as 500 percent, making easy profits of over £1,000.

However, that’s not to say that ordinary bags, or even handmade material totes won’t sell for a pretty penny. 118 118 Money estimated the costs of creating one of these totes, including basic sewing essentials, to be around £80.

Potential profit - £248

Upcycled cupboard

Currently, Anna makes around £150 profit on every piece of upcycled furniture she sells (Image: 118 118 Money)

Upcycled lights

One of the stranger editions to this list, upcycled lights can be made out of virtually any material so long as the end result is aesthetically pleasing.

Using old bottles, pieces of wood and some LED strips, 118 118 Money estimated the costs of this project to be around £14, again dependent on how much light fixtures one is creating.

Potential profit - £234

Upcycled chairs

Reupholstering, varnishing or simply just wiping down chairs that one already has can increase their value. The cost estimations for this project is around $46, which includes oil, chalk paints and wax sealants.

Potential profit - £173

Total estimated profits: £1,270.

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Upcycled chairs

Reupholstering, varnishing or simply just wiping down chairs that one already has can increase their value. The cost estimations for this project is around $46, which includes oil, chalk paints and wax sealants.

Potential profit - £173

Total estimated profits: £1,270.

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