'A great bonus' Mum of two explains 'easy' way to make hundreds with old items - can you?

NOTTINGHAM mother-of-two Holly Robinson understands the plight of parents as the school year rushes in with all of its expenses, so she shared some of her favourite ways to save and make extra cash in the run up to the new school year.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Shop Well for Less helps family make huge savings with simple swaps

On average, Schoolwear Association reported that the standard uniform can cost parents more than £100 per child. CashLady.com interviewed a range of Insta-mum influencers to find their best back to school savings and side hustle tips.

Ms Robinson is very aware of the new school year price tags, as not only does she have her two boys to prep, she works in a school.

She revealed to CashLady.com her best tips and tricks that give her an average savings of £150 every month.

Depop – earn £30, save £20

“One of my favourite ways to save money is through Depop – I’ve found it much easier and profitable than a lot of other resale sites,” she commented.

Mom walking with children

Back to school is arguably one of the most expensive times of the year for parents (Image: GETTY)

“It’s easy to put up items you no longer wear and... there is no ‘end date’ for the items you are selling.

“It's a great bonus when you get a notification pop up out of the blue telling you you’ve sold an item! I easily make on average £30 a month.”

While it may not seem like much on a monthly account, this makes up to £360 in extra cash every year and this is compounded by the fact that she buys all of her clothes on Depop too, saving an average of £20 per month.

“Depop is my most successful way of saving money when buying clothes – there are so many items being sold there brand new and only worn once.”


Renting clothes – earn £25

This is more for items that will likely not be worn regularly but might be a bit more worn than clothes being sold on Depop.

“I use a professional rental site who take a 15 percent commission but that covers insurance and repairs too.

“It’s easier to use than I anticipated and on average I get about 20 percent of the RRP of an item. Last year I made nearly £300.”

Child in oversized jacket

One of the better known saving hacks is to buy clothes a few sizes larger than needed (Image: GETTY)

Kids clothes swap – save £50

For many parents it’s hard to keep up with the growth rate of young kids, and especially when it comes to keeping them comfortably clothed.

Luckily Ms Robinson has the perfect solution which sees kids well-dressed without any clothes going to waste.

“This year, one of my friends had a great idea – because we all have kids of different ages, shapes, sizes, we all got together with our clothes that no longer fitted and did a big clothes swap.

“My boys all needed new shorts and t-shirts for the summer and I ended up not having to buy anything, they even got some great swim shorts for the paddling pool! I saved at least £50.”

Take home snacks when going out – save £10

“This may be obvious to most parents out there but I’ve only recently learnt it – whenever going out with the kids, even for a short trip, pack a secret snack and drink!

“They love a surprise when they’re just about to ask for something from a shop and those sweets and drinks can really eat into summer funds.”

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