Ethical entrepreneur on the path to £1million turnover after only one year in business

ENTREPRENEUR James Harrison created an eco-friendly alternative to neon signs at the beginning of 2020 and shared his secret to thriving during a pandemic as a small start-up.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Neon Filter and its Surrey-based team was both created and produced throughout the lockdowns, maintaining social distancing and strict hygiene regulations in order to keep going. Mr Harrison had been saving up to begin this venture for years, and despite choosing one of the most economically turbulent times to begin, Neon Filters has seen unprecedented success in the year that it has been operating.

Mr Harrison began: “I started Neon Filter in January 2020 after being inspired by the iconic neon signs I saw during a previous trip to Hong Kong.

“I set myself up in the beginning by using most of the savings I’d been carefully setting aside for a few years.”

He also added that Neon Filter was not his first entrepreneurial adventure, but rather joined the list of many others starting at the age of 13.

He continued: “Before Neon Filter, I was involved with lots of other ventures! The first of which was when I was about thirteen years old and selling sweets in my school playground.

Neon Sign

Mr Harrison started Neon Filter in January 2020, producing eco-friendly neon signs (Image: James Harrison)

“Unfortunately, it didn’t pan out, I ended up eating too much of my inventory. Over time I came to understand that some of these business ideas would work, and others weren’t up to a high enough standard but all of them have taught me valuable lessons along the way.

“One of the biggest drivers (for Neon Filters) was realising that LED neon could be great value for money product for consumers wanting to change-up their living spaces, as well as being an eco-friendly option, compared to traditional neon.

“This made me really push forward with the business even if it might have been a bit of a risk to begin with!

“There have been lots of ups and downs, and far too many sleepless nights that I wouldn’t like to repeat.


“The biggest challenge so far was the fact we launched just a couple of months before the first lockdown.

“We had to ensure we paid attention to the important health and safety regulations, making sure each of our staff felt they had enough health support and felt comfortable working during the pandemic.

“However, with social distancing, regular hand washing and daily sanitisation of the workshop we could continue with production.”

Mr Harrison also credited the success of the business in spite of the gruelling lockdown and unfamiliar work conditions to his team.

James Harrison

Neon Filters is looking to turnover their first £1million by the end of the year (Image: James Harrison)

He said: “The team is the main reason we are where we are today. Without a strong group of people all pulling in the same direction I don’t think we would be here today.

“With the right mix of people and talent, and once that team starts to grow in size, it’s the people around you and culture you create that really drives everything forward.

“I’m committed to achieving three main goals with Neon Filter. To keep growing at the fast pace we are, to keep innovating and creating new and exciting designs for our customers and to keep building the team and helping them to develop a wide skillset.

Mr Harrison added that although many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat, the growing demand and strong team has helped Neon Filters to thrive rather than just survive.

Concluding, he stated: “We’ve been steadily growing our cash reserves and minimising capital expenditure to reflect the uncertainty of the situation at the moment.

“Financially we’re doing better than ever before.

“I’m thrilled to be continually working on exciting projects with the passionate people I have around me. 

“No two days are the same and it’s not always smooth sailing, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

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