'Worst legislation' EU criticised over Mifid II reforms as last-minute reprieves issued

THE biggest regulatory re-shuffle since the 2008 financial crisis suffered a setback after futures exchanges in UK and Germany were granted last-minute reprieves from implementing the new Mifid II rules.

City of LondonGETTY

The London Metal Exchange is the world's largest futures markets

After over seven years of stuttering preparation and $2 billion in compliance costs for firms, the huge shake-up to European regulation made an appropriately controversial entrance today after two major London exchanges were given an extra 30 months to comply with new clearing rules on the very day they were due to come into force.

London’s Liffe derivatives exchange and the London Metal Exchange joined Eurex, the Frankfurt-based futures exchange owned by Deutsche Börse, in being given more time to make themselves ready for the Mifid cliff-edge.

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority joined BaFin, Germany’s national regulator, in extending an extension to key exchanges to ensure the “orderly function” of a clearing market that the reforms are designed to open up.

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid II) is an EU legislation that regulates firms who provide services to clients linked to ‘financial instruments’ - shares, bonds, units in collective investment schemes and derivatives, and the venues where those instruments are traded.

London Metal ExchangeGETTY

The London Metal Exchange has been granted an extension to Mifid rules

Brexit is a game changer.


The heavily delayed and controversial Mifid II reforms touch on everything from time-stamping every action (much the same way an email saves drafts every second) to the cost of analysts’ research into the trading of equities.

Jeff Sprecher, the chief executive of Intercontinental Exchange, branded it “the worst piece of legislation I have seen in my career”, but many are optimistic that the regulations are needed to help with trust and transparency in an industry still recovering from the damage caused by the 2008 financial crisis.

However, Kevin Linsell, CTO at Timico has told Express.co.uk that warnings over staff being in the dark over compliance requirements and mobile usage were not heeded during the run-up to Mifid’s implementation.

With the clock ticking, Mr Linsell’s firm found that a shocking 39 percent of UK financial organisations were unaware whether their organisation is compliant with Mifid II regulation just 30 days before implementation.

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Mifid regulation has been seven years in the making

The research by Timico also found that just 8 percent of companies said that their employees were fully aware of the legal implications of MiFID II and had received training on the processes required to be compliant.

Mr Linsell warned before Christmas many businesses were massively unprepared for Mifid II, despite having had the last 12 months to prepare.

Brokers at the affected exchanges in London and Germany have said the changes may depress trading volumes in January as the reforms take effect.

After securing its last-minute extension, the German Eurex exchange said with the UK as Europe’s largest market for the clearing of derivatives, Brexit was causing too much uncertainty in that Britain may not be bound to all of Mifid’s rules once it leaves.

A Eurex spokesman told the Financial Times after BaFin’s decision to grant them an extension: “Brexit is a game changer.”

He added: “We share industry concerns around financial stability regarding the open access provisions of Mifid II.”


The EU’s treatment of investment trusts has been called into question

The new EU regulations have been criticised by all corners of the finance world. In 2014 the Wealth Management Association (WMA) slammed the EU’s treatment of investment trusts within the proposed Mifid II regulation.

WMA deputy chief executive John Barrass said: "This issue about investment trusts is idiocy. The people writing this are people with backgrounds in regulation and who haven't worked in the markets.

"They are also from countries where they don't have investment trusts.

"So you have regulations being made by people about products they don't deal with on behalf of people they don't know.

"This is where Farage gets votes."

Economic expert: City of London will 'FLOURISH' after Brexit

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