POUND LIVE: Sterling slips but MiFID has 'regular day' debut in City of London

THE POUND has slipped against the Euro after yesterday's significant gains against the Dollar.

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Pound Sterling enjoyed healthy gains against the Dollar yesterday

UPDATE 3.10pm Sterling loses morning momentum as FTSE recovers

The Pound is down at 1.1261 against the Euro, a drop of 0.07 per cent and down against the 0.47 per cent to 1.3552.

The FTSE has recovered with the blue-chip index on 7,669.62 at the time of press, a rise of 21.52.

On the day's Mifid news, Markus Huber, a trader at City of London Markets told Reuters: “So far [there is] no difference compared to a regular day.”

“Volume isn’t expected to be massive or back to normal either due to not everybody being back from holidays, and not much going on in regard to major news or economic data.”

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Mifid's first day has not affected volume

UPDATE 12.23pm - Pound remains up on Euro and down on Dollar

Sterling is steady against the Euro at lunch at 1.1284 a rise of 0.14 per cent on the day so far.

The Pound remains down on the Dollar at 1.3565, a drop of 0.22 per cent.

Struggling to gets to grips with Mifid? Express.co.uk's Darius Mquaid explains all.

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The Pound is up on the Euro so far today

UPDATE 11.03 - Sterling making gains on Euro

The Pound is up a very decent 0.25 per cent on the Euro to 1.1296 as its 2018 climb continues.

Sterling is down 0.15 per cent against the Dollar after yesterday's gains.

FTSE has slipped with the 100 blue-chip index down 3.09 to 7645.01.

Wondering how Mifid II implementation is going over in the City of London?

Well the EU's biggest regulatory re-shuffle since the 2008 financial crisis suffered a major setback this morning after futures exchanges in UK and Germany were granted last-minute reprieves from implementing the new Mifid II rules.

London’s Liffe derivatives exchange and the London Metal Exchange joined Eurex, the Frankfurt-based futures exchange owned by Deutsche Börse, in being given more time to make themselves ready for the Mifid cliff-edge.

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority joined BaFin, Germany’s national regulator, in extending an extension to key exchanges to ensure the “orderly function” of a clearing market that the reforms are designed to open up.

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid II) is an EU legislation that regulates firms who provide services to clients linked to ‘financial instruments’ - shares, bonds, units in collective investment schemes and derivatives, and the venues where those instruments are traded

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Mifid hasn't started life well in London

UPDATE 8.44am - FTSE opens and heads North

The FTSE 100 opened flat but quickly headed north after yesterday's unremarkable day and the continuing rise of the Pound.

Standing at 7,649.06, today's price marks a 0.96 rise with Next and Marks & Spencer leading the way north.

The FTSE 250 is slightly ahead, up 57.40 to 20,738.85.

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Big day for the City of London

UPDATE 7.17am - Pound up against Euro, down on Dollar

Pound Sterling is up 0.16 per cent against the Euro to 1.1286 but slipping 0.02 per cent to 1.3592 after a day of record gains against the Dollar.

Today marks a huge upheaval for City of London workers as banks get ready for a new set of rules.

After seven years, Mifid II comes into force and regulators hope it will give greater protection to investors by making finance staff accountable for their actions.

The EU’s mammoth Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, dubbed Mifid II, has been fraught with controversy as banks struggle to adapt to its stringent rules.

But there are warnings parts of the financial industry and EU are ill-equipped for the implementation, despite spending around £1.5bn on new IT systems last year alone.

Jeff Sprecher, the chief exec of Intercontinental Exchange, has branded it “the worst piece of legislation I have seen in my career”.

However many feel that new regulation is needed to monitor the information that traders use and provide to clients.

With a time-stamped audit trail running all the way through the service, investors can see what research they are receiving and at what price.

But the rules are hugely different to the freedom finance service professionals have come to enjoy.

Some financial experts have warned it was being treated as a “Y2K moment” - a reference to the so-called Millennium Bug which people feared could devastate the world’s technology.

And one European bond strategist warned trading glitches could become a “self-fulfilling prophecy” as people feel their way around the new rules.

He said: “Everyone says I want to be careful for that first month of the year, and if everyone does that, we won’t have liquidity.”

Bankers are expected to work through the night in a desperate attempt to iron out hitches in the new system.

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