St Patrick’s Day 2017: The WORST EVER Irish accents in big movies

THERE are few things more distracting in movies than actors trying and failing to convincingly pull off a different accent.

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These Hollywood heavyweights have turned in some appalling Irish accents

On this St Patrick's Day, remember nine of Hollywood's worst ever attempts at Irish - and one of them even won an Oscar.

In no particular order...

1. Pierce Brosnan - Taffin in Taffin

A YouTube snippet of the infamous “you shouldn’t be living here” line has over three-quarters of a million views alone. The movie was ripped to shreds by critics, as was Brosnan’s attempt at an Irish accent.

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Pierce Brosnan's Irish accent in Taffin was lambasted

Trailer: P.S. I Love You Official Trailer

2. Gerard Butler - Gerry Kennedy in PS I Love You

Even Butler himself has acknowledged how terrible this attempt was. “After all those wonderful reviews and glorious feedback, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” he said when asked about playing another Irish character. “I’ve ticked that box.”

3. Sean Connery - Michael McBride in Darby O' Gill and the Little People

This movie was released in 1959 and, despite receiving positive reviews, Connery’s accent was lambasted. Still, it wasn’t the last time he’d try…

4. Sean Connery - Jim Malone in The Untouchables

When it came to the Untouchables, the original James Bond barely even tried to mask his Scottish tones. His performance generally was acclaimed, though: he won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar.

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Sean Connery in Darby O'Gill and the Little People

5. Brad Pitt - Micky O’Neil in Snatch

In this 2000 movie, Pitt’s character was borderline incomprehensible - which was, thankfully, sort of the point.

6. Julia Roberts - Mary Reilly in Mary Reilly

Roberts has churned out some incredible performances in her time. This is not one of them. She was said to have hired a voice coach for her work as Mary Reilly’s title character - but it seems even they couldn’t salvage an authentic accent out of her.

7. Kevin Spacey - Michael Lynch in Ordinary Decent Criminal

Not even Spacey, one of the greatest actors of his generation, was able to nail down the perfect Irish lilt; instead producing an amalgam of several regional variations.

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Kevin Spacey starred in Ordinary Decent People

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Kate Hudson starred in About Adam

8. Tom Cruise - Joseph Donnelly in Far and Away

Cruise is often ridiculed for his accent in this 1992 film - and it’s quite easy to see why. In fact, it’s so bad it distracts from Nicole Kidman’s also not-too-great effort.

9. Kate Hudson - Lucy Owens in About Adam

In a largely Irish cast, Kate Hudson stood out for all the wrong reasons - raising the question of why a Hollywood star was cast in the role in the first place.

Trailer: Far and Away starring Tom Cruise

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